What To Do When Your Company Does Not Care About Your Career Development

How to control your career development when companies don’t offer training


Training programmes have become less frequent with shorter tenures. Because employees change jobs so frequently, firms don’t see the value in investing in people who are likely to leave.Unfortunately, organizations today are unknowingly leaving employees with skill gaps and blind spots that can derail careers.

Not all organisations may work like Cal Lightman’s group in ‘Lie To Me’ where he ensured that new employees learnt relevant skills.

Image Credit: Movie – Lie To Me

So, if you feel that you will have to take control of your own career development, here are some things you can do.

Introspect on your role

What does success look like in your position? What are your job goals and success metrics? It’s best to identify these with your manager or your boss. It is better to work with them towards moving towards your career goal. This way, you all can be on the same page. And also, your boss will appreciate the career-oriented initiative.

Seek feedback

Top performers are always learning and adjusting, and routinely seek feedback from their boss, peers, and subordinates. If your boss doesn’t proactively give you feedback, start the conversation yourself. For instance, after a presentation or big meeting, ask for advice on one thing you could improve.

Increase your visibility

It’s not always possible to get noticed by senior leaders through your direct work, so you might try volunteering for initiatives. Attending networking events, office parties, or simple meals with the teams can go a long way in building a positive work image. This will show your boss you care for your work, and are keen towards progress.

Become indispensable

This is the age of specialisation. Your company may be grappling with a disruption from a new technology such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, or cloud- computing. Become the expert person in your department on an emerging issue. Upgrading your skills is essential to remain relevant in the job market.


This is the surest way to further your career. A healthy mentor-mentee relationship can work wonders for your career development. This is not about pleasing your boss or getting a positive appraisal from your supervisor. This is about learning important lessons from an experienced person.

Ultimately, your skill set and passion may decide your career development. So regardless of company culture, these work approaches will help towards your benefit.

Read Also: Is It A Job Or A Career You Are Chasing?