One Telugu Letter Is Messing Up The iPhone

How the iPhone cannot handle one telugu letter bug?


A Telugu text bomb is shattering the latest version of iOS 11.2.5 and macOS. The bug, first reported by Italian Blog, Mobile World, causes serious concern when a single character from the Telugu language (ఞ), pronounced as ‘aye’ or ‘ai’, is sent to a user’s phone via a text message or social media apps.

The effects of this bug range from system crashes to apps such as WhatsApp, iMessage, Facebook, Messenger, and Gmail being lost. The bug affects Apple TVs, watches and iPads as well. In every case, entering the character into a text field of an app causes that app to crash.

This is not the first time that Apple is facing such a problem. In January, an iOS glitch was discovered that allowed a specific URL to crash any iPhone it was texted to, while in 2015 a so-called “Unicode of Death” became famous overnight after news emerged of it overloading an iPhone’s memory using some Arabic characters.

If you are one of the 80 million Telugu language users in India, this one character (ఞ) can render your phone useless. This has given new fodder to the Apple trolls in India. Droves of Twitter users have taken to tweeting the symbols out over the last day with messages like “read this to log off instantly” and “retweet this to crash anyone using an Apple device,” though luckily most of them don’t have many followers.

This bug is problematic because the only way to currently fix it is by deleting the entire messaging thread on other devices unaffected by it. It becomes even more troublesome on Twitter since users do not even need to intentionally view a name or a Tweet with the character to trigger the crash; the moment it’s in a user’s feed, it could do some damage.

Apple has acknowledged the issue and said it is working on a fix for the latest text bomb bug. The tech giant has confirmed that the bug only affects devices running iOS 11.2.5, and that the issue will be fixed with iOS 11.3.

Even if Apple is seen as making elite products, that are a far reach away from Indian masses, still it bodes ill for a product that is trying to make a headway in India markets. While other smartphones are providing Indian vernacular languages as a basic feature, it may seem an irony that Apple crashes due to an Indian letter.

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