Quotes By Nelson Mandela That Can Change Your Life

On this Mandela day, let us reflect upon the best of his words.

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Today is celebrated as Mandela day in the memory of South Africa’s most famous anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist- Nelson Mandela. The man who single-handedly rewrote the history of generations of South Africans has also been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Even though Nelson Mandela isn’t amongst us anymore, his words of wisdom by still guide us towards truth and peace. Let us once again commit to the memory of the most famous quotes by one of history’s most inspirational figures.

An Important Lesson On Life’s Race

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We are constantly competing and racing in life. And we are doing it with the only goal of winning it. But do we win every time? Of course not! So, what happens when we don’t? We lose, right? But Nelson Mandela begs to differ here. According to him, you either win or learn. You never really lose. When you don’t win, you actually learn a lesson on what you did wrong. You learn a lesson on what you need to do the next time you run. When you realize the meaning of this quote, everything will seem so much easier yet more meaningful.

Keep Doing What Needs To Be Done

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This is one of the classic quotes by Nelson Mandela. It is not only insanely popular but also incredibly insightful. Just think about it. We wouldn’t be flying in planes today if Wright Brothers had thought it was impossible back then. Right? There are uncountable examples. The point being, everything is possible. All you have to do is believe in yourself and keep doing what needs to be done. Once you decide it is impossible, it will never be possible. So just keep trying and when you will finally have done it, everyone will see the very meaning of possibilities change.

How To Judge The True Calibre Of A Person

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A person’s true calibre cannot be measured by their success but by the number of times they picked themselves up from failure. Nelson Mandela had to go through all sorts of problems and failures before finally becoming the first president of South Africa. Today, we don’t know him for his presidency but for the long and tedious fight before he could achieve that presidency. Nelson Mandela was not only thoughtful, wise, and supremely intelligent but he also had a great sense of humour. One of his quotes also said that- “In my country we go to prison first and then become President.”

Few Words On True Leadership

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Beyond everything else, Nelson Mandela was one truly great leader. His leadership skills went beyond his presidency. In essence, he always remained an activist and fighter for freedom and human rights. His words also always reflected the same. This quote shows how he was the flag bearer of inclusive politics. He wanted his people to be in the front and thus, believe in his leadership. Leading from the back is one of the most revolutionary and meaningful leadership techniques.

Many great people have set their foot on Earth and left us behind with their inspirational and revolutionary words. It is both our responsibility as well as our common sensibility to learn from them and make our world a better place than we found it.