Why Your Job Should Not Be Your Identity

Don’t let your career define your self-worth.

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A lot of us fall into the trap of letting our career define who we are. We let our job evaluate our self-worth. While the truth is that we are much more than our job. In fact, our job is only one small part of our life. When you let your job define you, everything gets more complicated and difficult. Your work-life balance takes a toss. Your start taking your success as well as your failures too personally! And so on! Thus, it is important that we learn to distinguish our job from us. Our job is a role we play. And we are just who we are.

Your Job Role Belongs To Your Organization

Today, you are in a said job. Tomorrow, you will be in another. Does that mean you will keep changing your identity with your job?

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The job that you identify with is not even yours in the first place. That “role” you play belongs to your organization. That particular role of yours has expectations and rewards attached to it. You have no control over those expectations as they come along with a formalized description. You get paid when you live up to those expectations. Now, does this sound like you? The real YOU? Of course not! This is just a role you play in order to earn money. Do not make it anything more than that.

There’s More To Success Than Your Career

Landing a solid well paid job is definitely a success but it is not the ONLY success of your life. Success is not measured by your wealth or your position in the company. The true essence of success is in living a happy and satisfactory life. It is in doing something you really believe in and are passionate about. It is having great friends and relationships. Also, success can mean many things to many people. But, it can never be limited to having a great job.

Who Are You?

Take a pause in your life and answer this question.

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We have been repeating in this article that you are not your job. Your job is something you do and not something you are. But then, who are you? Or, what are you? The truth is you are MANY things. You are defined by your values, your principles your kindness, your passion, and your love for others. You are your dreams. You are what makes you happy. You are a mother. You are a friend. You are a dog parent. Always remember that people will never remember for where you worked at or how much you earned, but they will always remember for how you made them feel. They will always remember you for the vibe you emit. For your commitment! For your dedication! For who you REALLY are!

I hope now you know why you are so much more than your job!