Science Says Reading Harry Potter Is Good For You

Harry Potter makes you kinder and happier

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They may instantly connect with you, or they may scorn you. They may call you a geek or a wierdo. But being a Harry Potter fan has many perks. And now this is supported even by science.

A study has found that being a Harry Potter fan can make you a nicer person. ‘The Greatest Magic of Harry Potter: Reducing Prejudice’ was published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. It says that reading Harry Potter books makes you less prejudiced, happier, kinder and more positive towards life.

Remember the scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Harry tells his Godfather Sirius Black that he feels so angry, he is worried he may have gone bad. And Sirius very wisely explains that life is not played in black and white. They are always shades of grey, and who you are depends on which side you choose to act on. These are very relevant words, for any decision making in real life.

Research shows that there are some psychological health benefits to diving into the magical world of Hogwarts. A study found that kids who read Harry Potter are more likely to reduce prejudices toward minority groups and display greater levels of empathy. The theory is this is likely due to the fact that Harry often aligns himself with stigmatized groups in the book, from house elves to wizards with non-magical parents who are derogatorily called Mudbloods.

Science proves that the happy moments in the books transcend into real life

Image Credit: Movie – Harry Potter

Hermione starts a group for the house elves, Dumbledore gives employment to Hagrid and Dobby. Ron’s father is welcoming to all kinds of people, even Hermione’s muggle parents. These characters teach us that empathy and kindness can go a long way in creating happiness.

Even the wider orientation and narrative of the book regarding the struggle between love and power, where the ultimate victory lies in love, carries a strong message in today’s dystopian times.

So, rejoice if you are already a Potterhead. And if you have not read a book or seen a movie of the Harry Potter series, stop living under a rock. You might be the happier for it.