Rains Making You Work From Home? Try This

Tried and tested way to keep boss happy, and avoid the rain madness!

Image Credit: funnyjunk

The past few days saw Mumbai getting some of the highest amount of rain this year, which led to instant water logging and chaotic situations on the road.

While a lot of people love the rains, those stuck on the way to work face a major dilemma – to go to office or bunk?

So, for the monsoon months ahead, here are a few tips that can help you avoid problems at work.

  • Stay prepared and do some work in advance.
  • If there are client meetings you can schedule without prior notice, get them done on days when the deluge is less.
  • Leave home earlier than usual to beat the traffic when roads are clogged in the morning.
  • Have all your work data backed up on the home system too, so that you have everything you need, even if you can’t be physically present in office.
“Keep the routine absolutely same and do exactly what you do in office through the day.”

Urmimala Gupta, a resident of Bangalore, has been working in the real estate industry in market research for 10 years now. According to her, if the monsoon is making it difficult for you to reach work, you can still try this, instead of letting it affect your work day.

“I have a routine that I have made for my office days, especially for those days when I am not able to reach office due to the rains. The best trick here is to keep the routine absolutely same and do exactly what I do in office through the day. So for me, the routine starts with waking up at the same time, preparing my breakfast, taking my food breaks at the same time as I do in office and giving the exact number of hours that I work when I am physically present in the office. This will also help if you are working on a deadline but rains came in the way. Another thing I do is that I am always available on phone during the work hours, which means that even if there is a work emergency, I can still handle it, even if I did not manage to reach office that day.”

While the rainy months are a big respite from the heat and make for some awesome weather, the water logging and heavy congestion can make it difficult to reach work. If you too are one of those who isn’t able to reach your work place, make it up by staying prepared and following a routine.