Sometimes It Is Fine To Celebrate Failure

A father in Madhya Pradesh celebrates his son’s failure in the Board Exam

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While students all over the country are busy with a rat race, and there is so much pressure to study and clear semester exams, Boards, competitive entrance exams and come first wherever you participate, a father in Madhya Pradesh broke the rules by celebrating when his son failed in the Tenth Standard Board exams.

The celebration had everything from firecrackers and sweets, and friends and neighbours came in large numbers to attend the party that Surendra Kumar Vyas, a civil contractor, threw for his son Ashu.

Many students go into depressions if they do below expectation in an exam. Even the incident of student suicides has increased over the years. The society is become so competitive that every family is comparing their kids to Sharma ji ka beta.

Instead of uncovering their real aptitude and passion and gaining knowledge, schools have become all about scoring marks in an exam and rote learning. In such a scenario, this father is a great example to all, that if you are test on standardised formats, it is fine to fail. Life does not stop with a failure, and it should only encourage you to do better, and set personal goals, instead of blindly following the confirmed path.

Even movies like ‘3 Idiots’ have been a reminder to step outside the rat race

Image Credit: Movie – 3 Idiots

Even outside school, in practical life, there is a race to get the perfect job and the perfect partner because of the pressure of social media. Whenever you arrive on Facebook or Instagram, some friend is getting married or promoted or worse, travelling somewhere exotic. And this sometimes can be frustrating, as we all come under the usual pressure of FOMO.

But life may not be about a social media update. A quite dinner at home may be more fulfilling than a candle light dinner in Goa, if you are with the right company, or if you are satisfied with what you are doing professionally. Hence, sometimes it is fine to celebrate failure. So many leaders of today, like Steve Jobs have been school dropouts, because they refused to be put into stereotyped boxes.

If failure pushes us to do better, or introspect about our goals, and align them closer to our passions, then failure is a good thing.

Read Also: Here’s What Prime Minister Modi’s Book, Exam Warriors Is All About