Things You Can Buy Instead Of The New iPhone X

There may be better ways to spend 1 lakh rupees.


Apple announced the new iPhone X (ten, not x) earlier today. The 256 GB version has been priced at INR 1,02,000.  While there were sane arguments against iPhones on the grounds that they did not have Bluetooth and the memory is always limited, this time round, the pricing has hurt rationality on financial grounds.

To those who feel that branding is over-rated, here is a case of how a brand can extract money from the naïve. Not that we are judging the one’s who can afford it, but if you are swiping your credit card or opting for EMI to pick up the Samsung S8 looking Apple iPhone X, then read on. Here’s what the same money of 1 lakh can buy you.

If you listened to pappa

The most prudent choice could be investing in any decent Mutual Fund, even if it gives you an interest rate of 18 per cent, then your 1 lakh invested today will be worth 118,000 by next year. What’s the iPhone gonna be worth?

Even if you bring the argument outside financial planning, there is so much that can be done with the amount. You can take a foreign holiday, with transport and accommodation included in this sum. You can visit Malaysia, Indonesia, Dubai or any other Asian country. You can backpack all over India with this amount.

Go on a fashion spree

You can get a whole wardrobe makeover, and shop in Zara, H&M, UCB, or any other high-flying brand for a year with this sum. You do not have to wait for sales too. You can afford buying fresh designs.

Become a saint

1 lakh is also the cost of a child’s education in India from a simple public school. You can donate towards educating one child through his school, instead of getting an Apple phone. You can also help a village built toilets in every home.

Party like a boss, every weekend

You can organise breakfast for your friends for the whole year, or buy one year’s stock worth of Old Monk and Coke or Budweiser with this amount. You can also sponsor a friends’ trip to Kasol or Gokarna. Or go to Goa for one weekend every month for one whole year.

Eat like a king, every weekend

You can also eat out at any urbane joint for the whole year, and not cook at home at all. Also if you are staying as a student in a different city, you can afford to stay alone, without a roommate for your entire college life. And we know what a great relief that is.

Ride like a man or get a rock

You can also buy a Royal Enfield if you put in just few more thousands. Girls, you can buy yourself a huge rock as a special gift.