Things You Don’t Do On Weekends But You Should

Let's get the best out of every weekend.

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What do you do when your devices hang or like when your Wi-Fi stops working? It’s almost instinctive of us as humans to pull the plug and restart the device, right? Let’s then borrow the idea of any worked-up device to understand how humans need that kind of a reboot too and how weekends can play an essential role in our lifestyle.

We never take weekends very seriously, maybe that’s why they don’t go as we plan them. And after a point of time, we get exhausted of making plans that never work out and end up binging junk and sitcoms on our bed. But what if I told you there are ways you can make your weekends productive for yourself? So that you can spend your week with a better ‘system update’ and can also respond to the famous Monday question, “How did your weekend go?”

Disconnect From Your Work

Switch off, to give back to yourself.

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This is the first and most essential thing that one needs to initiate very early in work life. And this can be shook upon with your boss and your co-workers that you won’t be available for office updates on weekends. If some urgent notification is needed to be communicated, you can choose how you can be reached. But keeping yourself away from office emails and groups is the best way to be loyal with your me-time and your plans on weekend.

Write A Letter To A Family Member Or Friend

They’ll go happy like, “Mumbai se aaya mera post!”

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Traveling afar to catch up on old friendships and family relations can be too much to ask for on a weekend, and needs a lot of planning from both the ends. Another way to reach out and make them feel remembered is by switching to the 90s way of writing letters. This is a very personal way of connecting old ties and takes up very little time.

Join A Street Art Group

Oo, Aa, Take the World and Paint it Red!

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There are various NGOs these days that attempt to make art accessible to a broader audience in public spaces. So, if you’re in love with colours, you can join these groups who love it when the neighbourhood joins them in executing the idea. I’m sure you’ll feel good seeing those murals on the roadside while passing by them on your hectic weekdays.

Re-Arrange Your Furniture In The House

Attending to the arrangement of your house feels like a relaxation that you can enjoy on your weekdays. Shifting that bed by that other wall, getting a new bean bag, finally fixing that nail to put on a wall decoration is something that you always crave on a Monday-Friday schedule but only procrastinate about it. Making time for it on a weekend would be a new look for your room and refreshing for you.

Book An End-Minute Hotel Room

Wouldn’t it be great enjoying your booze and without letting the next morning clean-up ruin your hangover?

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If you’re the one who admires the idea of luxurious room service in hotels but couldn’t plan on affording your preferred one, then weekend is your time to execute the plan! Book a room at last minute (SLASHED PRICES!) and enjoy a new set-up without worrying about cleaning it the next day!

Weekends are a great time for all of us to reflect and introspect on life and these are just a few ways to rejuvenate our soul for the coming week. Our performance in personal and professional life requires recharging our batteries and this down-time that we call weekend requires a bit of managing too.