Trump Asks Global “Waming” To Come Back – And Of Course We Have Trolls In Action!

Look before you type to save yourself of meme attacks

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It is not really clear what America was expecting when it elected a president who thinks “bigly” is a real adverb and consent is a myth, but it is safe to say that the fact that he is now literally the holder of the most powerful administrative office in the whole world has not really changed our good ol’ Donald. He still spends most of his time on twitter, being the expressive type of person he is, and uses his platform for really important causes like bullying sexual assault victims, whining about the fake news and sometimes outright lying. But when he is not doing all that, he is busy making up words because for someone as versatile as him (TV personality turned business tycoon turned woman abuser turned president), being a linguistics enthusiast and enriching the English vocabulary must be a cakewalk (funny how Shakespeare has not coined any new words after Donald took his throne, isn’t it?).

Staying very much in his character, today the 45th President of the USA tweeted out, asking Global “Waming” to make a comeback so that the “beautiful Midwest” can get rid of the exceptionally chilly weather that it is experiencing at this moment. Now before anyone attacks him for not knowing elementary level environmental science, let’s not forget, he is a yuge personality who is busy 24/7- hey! Hiding tax fraud and potential national treachery are time consuming okay? Do you really think he has time to properly type “warming” or clarify what “covfefe” is, let alone actually learning what Climate Change is? The next thing you would expect is him to actually act like a President! Jesus! The expectations!

Since all the meanies are busy bullying poor Donald on twitter, it will be nice if he considers flying down to India where he can make friends with people similar to him, e.g- the CM of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, our very own “Pappu” Mr Rahul Gandhi or our Prime Minister Mr Modi himself. While the latter, though comparatively well sorted in his wordings on twitter, shares similarity of thought since he believes television dates back to the Vedic era or that Lord Ganesha actually went to a plastic surgeon to get his face done. On the other hand, the former is not only similar in intellect but also in her habit of coining new words and facts. For example, according to Ms. Banerjee, there are three kinds of people in the world, and we quote, “everywhere there are some bad people, there are some good people, there are some goody-goody people” (from her speech at Brigade, January 2019).

Personal opinion says, all of these aforementioned politicians fall into the third category coined by Ms. Banerjee and hence are being marginalised by the rest. This is a real threat posed to innocent lives you guys. We must correct ourselves before global waming sees Trump’s tweet and decides to come for us with a vengeance.