World Sleep Day: How To Sleep Like A Baby?

To sleep or not to sleep should not be a question. Just sleep already!

Image Credit: Movie - Wake Up Sid

Every year on the 15th of March, we celebrate World Sleep Day. The day is celebrated to spread awareness about the importance of sleeping. A good sleep every day is extremely crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Thus, we have this Global-annual call to spread awareness and explain the importance of healthy sleep. Not being able to sleep is a serious problem, especially of our generation that is plagued by technology. And this further increases the significance of observing World Sleep Day. Everybody loves and craves a sound sleep. In fact, it is one of the reasons why we miss our childhood so much. But the truth is that you can still sleep like a baby. Here are 3 quick tips to help you sleep tonight.

Follow A Routine

Watching a movie to delay your sleep shouldn’t be your ideal routine.

Image Credit: Movie – Bhoot

As a kid, we used to have a strict routine made by our parents/guardians and we had no option but to follow it. There was a set time for going to bed. And there was a set time to rise and shine. Now that you are a grown up and you are making your own decisions, you sleep when you want and you wake up when you want. This attitude won’t work if it is a sound sleep that you are looking for. Commit yourself to a consistent Bedtime. Once you get committed to a consistent time of going to bed every single night, your mind will do the rest. You mindset is crucial in getting you to sleep every night. Train it through a set routine.

Stretching Before Going To Bed

Stretching/doing Meditation before sleep is found to be one of the most effective tools to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. It is not full-blown work out or yoga that your body needs. Just few minutes of relaxation moves and breathing exercises will do the trick. The goal is to make your body feel relaxed and let go of things that block your body from sleeping. Consider it a sleeping warm-up. Going for a walk after dinner also helps you clear your mind and assists you in a good night sleep.

Read – Preferably FICTION

Pick any good fiction and begin reading. You will start feeling sleepy in 15-20 minutes.

Image Credit: Movie – Andhadhun

One thing that almost every insanely successful individual have in common is that they read before they go to bed. Books, especially fiction, do wonders in relieving your mind from anxious thoughts and shift it from daily concerns to character concerns. This is extremely important before your body decides to switch off.

Following a routine, keeping your body active, and reading before going to bed! If you think about it, these are the things we used to naturally do as a child. So to sleep like a baby, act like one. Not literally, but you know what I mean 😉