11 Things to Eat for Breakfast Before a Hectic Day in Office

Supercharge your body for a hectic workday


Breakfast is the most substantial meal of the day that supercharges your body. Skipping breakfast is criminal and robs your body of essential nutrients. For a busy professional whose time is money, breakfast might seem to be just an option.

And that’s where you go wrong. Breakfast is your powering platform, that’ll not only keep you healthy, but productive for rest of the day. Imagine entering your office with a rumbling stomach and sitting on your workstation thinking about nothing but food.

So never-ever miss your breakfast. You can get creative with your breakfast, prepare quick healthy options or eat it as it must – like a king. We’ll fuel your morning list with some amazing, easy-to-make and healthy breakfast ideas so you go work energized.

Oatmeal, quick but very healthy

Grab a bowl of your favourite flavour preferably prepared in a yummy full cream milk or make oats Idli.

Cereals, handy and delicious

Just fill your bowl with your favourite cereal flavour, dipped generously in equally healthy milk.

Granola, versatile and scrumptious

Homemade granola is way ,better than one available in the market. Eat it simple or with milk or topped with yogurt.

Yogurt, fresh, filling and luscious

Pair your flavoured yogurt with the freshest of fruits, dry nuts or granola.

Eggs, salubrious protein

Make hardboiled egg or omelette full of your favourite veggies or Parsi dish (Sali Par Edu) that is eggs and potato or egg paratha.

Brown Bread, healthy and homemade

Quickest way to fill your tummy and can be made in as many forms as you like – a veggies filled sandwich, butter toast, bread poha, besan bread toast or flavoured bread.

Multigrain toast, grainy and topped with nut butter

Pair butter with multigrain toast and fill your tummy instantly.

Moong Dal Cheela

Nutrition packed Indian pancake filled with healthy veggies

Suji upma, an impeccable morning meal

Fresh vegetables, lentils, aromatic nuts with a hint of spices and curry leaves topped with grated coconut.

Masala Dosa, crispy crepe

Seasoned spicy potato filled crepe prepared from rice and lentil batter.

Namkeen Seviyaan, the versatile vermicelli

Cooked in minimal oil, loads of veggies and right amount spices topped with fresh coriander.

(Picture Credit – silk.com, healthydietbase.com, therealfoodrds, modernhoney.com, m.zipscene.com, cresthillbakery.com, gatherforbread.com, archanaskitchen.com, foodiez.com, thespruce.com, rabbitfoodrocks.blogspot.in)