Everything You Need To Know About Fortune Cookies

Wanna know your fortune?


Most of us know what Fortune cookies are, don’t we? And for those who don’t here’s all you need to know about these crunchy treats with a surprise message inside them!

Fortune cookies are basically cookies made of sugar, flour, vanilla and sesame seeds but what makes the cookie unique is that there is a piece of paper inside the cookie, that is revealed when you take a crunchy bite! The thin strip of paper has a message about your fortune written on it.

Funny message inside a cookie

Image Credit: craveonline.com

Fortune cookies are often served as a dessert in Chinese restaurants but surprisingly they did not originate in China nor are they a tradition in China.

History of Fortune Cookie

Fortune cookie in the making

Image Credit: sygictraveldata.com

Suyechi Okamura, an immigrant from Japan, is one of the claimants to the discovery of Fortune cookie in U.S. In 1906, Suyechi started a Japanese confectionery store in San Franciso and named it Benkyodo. Suyechi then started selling of fortune cookies to Makoto Hagiwara, of Golden Gate Park’s Japanese Te Garden also in San Francisco and he claimed himself the first person to have served the modern version of cookie in 1890s and early 1900s.

When is a fortune cookie eaten?

A plate full of fortune cookies

Image Credit: bakingmad.com

A fortune cookie is generally eaten after the meal when it comes with your check. The paper inside the cookie normally has proverbs, numbers which is “fortune”. At times, there’s no fortune (no paper) inside the fortune cookie. It means something good will happen to you soon (Because fortune fairy owes you fortune).

Who writes the fortune or the lucky numbers in fortune cookies?

Sometimes messages are as quirky as these

Image Credit: pinterest

If you find a wise piece of advice inside your fortune cookie and that makes you happy, then thank Fortune Cookie writer Donald Lau. Lau works as the chief financial officer at Wonton Food Company, the largest manufacturer of fortune cookies in the world. He has also become the unofficial CFW or chief fortune writer.

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