Everything You Need To Know About Adult Vaccination

Who said vaccine is only for children?

Everything You Need To Know About Adult Vaccination

Your body is as John Mayer would say, “a wonderland”. Taking care of it becomes not just a luxury but a very necessity and responsibility to say the least. Sorry to break your bubble, but the older you grow, the greater you put yourself into the risk of diseases. The best thing you can do is to immunize yourself. Being health conscious is not tacky. It is what will save you in the long run. Here we shall be outlining everything you need to know about adult vaccination.

What kind of vaccines do adults need?

This can never be specific. It depends immensely on your age, occupation, lifestyle, travel destination, and prior vaccinations. This may change every year so its highly advisable to keep yourself updated pertaining to your medical history.

What are the factors that might determine your vaccine recommendations?

  • If you are planning on travelling for a long span of time, and where you are planning to go especially abroad
  • If you work under certain conditions that might lead to harmful exposures to chemicals or harmful pollutants
  • If you are pregnant
  • If you just had your spleen removed
  • If you are suffering from a chronic illness
  • If you have severe allergic reactions
  • If you have an inferior immune system
  • If you have a personal history of seizures
  • If you have recently got vaccinated

Vaccines recommended for all adults

  • MMR
  • Influenza
  • DPT
  • Pneumococcal
  • Human papillomavirus
  • Zoster

Apart from the above list there are several others depending on the location, circumstances and medical history.

Vaccines recommended for high risk adults

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • HiB
  • Rabies
  • Typhoid
  • Cholera

When should adults get the MMR vaccine?

When should adults get the MMR vaccine?

Image Credit: bor-grad.com

Adults born in 1967 or later should get at least one dose of the MMR (mumps measles rubella) vaccine. Routine checkups and frequent visits to your doctor might help you trace your vaccination frequency and time. Because of the high risks of birth defects, women should get it as well unless they are pregnant or have a concrete, well-managed proof of immunity or have in previous occasions been already vaccinated.

Doctors also suggest people who stand at a high risk should in fact get two vaccines, the second one after 4 weeks from the first.

High risk adults include all those who are exposed to these diseases or reside in an area suffering from a rampant outbreak, travel widely and internationally, work in healthcare etc.

Check yourself before getting vaccinated. Your condition may not permit it. For instance if you are pregnant you need to keep away. On the other hand, if you suffer from severe life threatening allergies, you might want to consult your doctor before getting yourself vaccinated. If you are taking heavy steroids or drugs that might compromise with your immune system, you should again consult the concerned authorities. Most doctors even refrain from vaccinating patients who are suffering from fever and cold.

So, the next time you visit your physician for a routine checkup, discuss about the vaccination schedule too.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.