5 Fruits To Get Glowing Skin And Beautiful Nails

Get Healthy Skin and Nails with these 5 Fruits


Winter is here and so is terrible skin and hair troubles, with the icing being chapped and awful nails. Does your dry and flaky skin prevent you from going out in the winters or is it your cracked nails that is not letting you put on your favorite nail color? Don’t worry because it’s the same story with many of us during the dry winters. The temperature takes away all the nice fuzzy moisture from our skin and leaves it languishing. Your skin obviously cannot thrive this way during the gloomy winters, and cold creams aren’t helping either. What you can do is consume a lot of fruits and maintain a diet that will help your skin and nails in more ways than you know.

Here is a list of fruits that will give you glowing skin and healthy nails without asking for much in return:


They have the highest content of malic acid. This acid is comparatively subtler and gentler, milder than other chemicals that are used for beauty treatment. Malic acid promotes healthier, finer and glowing skin that will radiate like diamonds. It does so by regenerating skin cells without destroying the inner layers. Apples in addition, contain high fibers which help to ease out and regulate bowel movements and prevents colon thus promoting pimple free skin. If these are not good reasons for you to start eating and breathing apples, I don’t know what is!


They are highly nutritious. Not only are they delicious but they help promote beautiful and soft skin. Being rich in plant protein and Vitamin E, they are very good to keep your nails healthy too. They provide benefits when applied topically as well. Avocados contain biotin which aids cell rejuvenation and growth. Therefore, they allow the definite lubrication, giving you healthier skin and nails than ever before.


Kareena Kapoor eats one Banana everyday for a glowing skin

Bebo (Kareena Kapoor), the famous Bollywood actress and the “Begum of Pataudi”, makes sure to start her day with a banana daily! They contain high levels of potassium which adequately hydrates the skin and helps you look youthful. Your skin becomes supple and tender and you will steal hearts in no time. It fixes premature ageing and helps with the dark spots and blemishes too!

Say Yes To Citrus Fruits

Kiwi and lemons work wonders when it comes to skin and nails. They help tremendously in boosting your immune system. As a result they will help you in your endeavor to get healthy and shiny nails and skin. A glass of warm water with honey and lemon, if taken daily in the morning, it will solve almost all your skin related issues. You will notice the result sooner than you anticipate.


Papaya extracts are widely used in skin treatments. They contain high amounts of Vitamin A/ Beta Carotene, which is also a very important enzyme. It works miraculously as an antioxidant. It will help greatly with your chapped and broken nails and make your skin look prettier and younger.

Natural remedies are always more effective in the longer term. Reject those chemicals that seldom leave any room for your skin to breathe. Creams are not a good solution either, but that doesn’t mean you don’t use them at all. However, look at their composition before you spend a fortune in expensive skin creams. Manicures are always a delight. Go for it, it will not only relax you but will make your nails look appealing than ever before!

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