How is Homeopathy Different From Western Medicine

Homeopathy vs Western Medicine


Homeopathy is a science with a strong belief in Individualization. Every person is different and does the way of being healthy, differ from person to person. Hence, we can say, the disease or sufferings of each person differs and therefore the mode of treatment different for different individuals.

Western medicine; also known as conventional medicine is a science that deals with symptoms and name of the diseases, with help of drugs, medicines or surgery. Homeopathy; also known as an Alternative medicine is a science of Holistic healing i.e., considering the person as a whole. It means; in a disease, it’s not the body part that is affected, the person as a whole is affected. Homeopathy treats an Individual as a whole rather than a disease by its name.

Eg: A person suffering from a headache.

Western medicine will prescribe an analgesic/painkiller/antacid.Homeopathy will rule out the cause of a headache, as the cause differs from person to person and so are the symptoms. The patient is considered as a whole and not only headache is treated but accompanying symptoms are also considered and then medicine is administered by following the principle of Similia Similibus Curantur i.e., Like cures like.

We as homeopaths respect every field of science, be it western medicine, Unani, Ayurveda or any other therapeutic medicine. Like the belief of Individualization, every science has its own way of practice.

When it comes to the differentiation between Homeopathy and Western medicine there is a major difference which can be elucidated with help of a simple example:

Eg: A person comes with acidity troubles; western medicine prescribes with an antacid as it’s a primary and safest way to put the patient at ease.

Homeopathy is not restricted to the specific name of medicine just depending upon the name of the disease. The treatment encounters the cause of acidity, the symptoms of the patient; which are the characteristic symptoms of the patient and which depicts his individual character. So, homeopathy will consider the peculiar symptoms and treat him/her as a whole, considering the symptoms, its origin, cause, and duration.

Homeopathy science believes that every person has his or her own reaction to different stimulus, so is the medicine different for different individuals even with the same cause as; symptoms are different in different individuals, and the reaction to the medicines also vary from person to person.

Western medicine/conventional medicine has been advocated for faster recovery at the cost of, many side effects on the body, which is becoming the biggest concern for every person undergoing treatment these days. Administration of multiple drugs and medicines for a single disease, undergoing various procedures for a diagnosis is making people turn to alternative medicine like Homeopathy.

Homeopathy follows the law of single remedy for a person- No need of multiple medicines when a single remedy is effectively curing the state. Well, western medicine many times prescribes more than 1 drug/medicine for a symptom as well.

In Homeopathy the Law of minimum dose- administration of the minimum dose helps with no possible drug reaction, nor any risk of addiction, side effects, or organic damage, if taken under proper guidance. Western medicine has a universal dosage system for the diseases and they follow the same even if the disease is acute or chronic, which can lead to side effects, medicine dependency or side effects of the medicine.
It’s difficult to conclude which science is effective, as both the medicines have its own importance. Homeopathy Science focusses on the betterment of an individual by simply stimulating his/her own vital force and embarking a permanent cure.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.