Can You Gain Weight If You Quit Smoking?

Controlling Weight Gain after You Quit Smoking


Smoking is injurious to health, and continues to adversely affect you even after you quit smoking. Research has shown that once you quit smoking, you tend to gain weight in the first few months. First of all, to quit smoking, while a life changing decision is probably one of the toughest steps you’ll have to take. To top it all off you have the added bonus of weight loss. Could life be any better? In the first few months after you give up smoking, you are likely to gain about five to ten pounds, which is equivalent to 2 kg to 4.5 kg. Some doctors say that although this weight gain is common, it is in no way inevitable. Since you don’t really have an alternative, there are other things you can do to curb this weight gain.

Stay Physically Active

When you decide to quit smoking, include a whole lot of physical activity in your daily routine. Maybe try going for a morning walk; the fresh air would surely do your lungs good and you’re going to burn some calories too. If you don’t have time for exercise every day, there are always little things you could do. For instance, take the stairs instead of the lift. This would regulate your blood circulation and control weight gain.

Count Your Calories

In the first few months, watch what you eat. The reason why you gain weight is simple. Smoking tends to curb hunger and appetite. Thus, when you quit smoking, you tend to eat much more than you used to and you end up gaining weight. Watch what you eat and keep a tab on your portions. You don’t have to go on a crash diet. Simply maintaining a balanced diet should do the trick.

Read Also: Lose weight without losing nutrition

Eat Healthy

Now that you have quit smoking, chances are you are going to feel hungry very frequently, something that didn’t happen before! If you’re hungry, we wouldn’t recommend starving or fasting since that does more harm than good. Instead, we would suggest that you go for snacks that are healthier. Fruits, juices and other low fat snacks would be perfect.

Consult a Nutritionist

For heavy smokers, it is always better to seek professional help. The above mentioned home remedies might fail if your body is used to consuming 7 to 10 cigarettes in a day. In that case, we would suggest that you consult with a dietician or a nutritionist before you quit. That way, you would have a customized diet that caters to your needs. You might even receive support for personalized weight management. That could help you curb weight gain after you give up smoking.

If you’re planning to give up smoking, it’s a great decision already. So don’t worry about gaining weight. The weight gain is something that can be managed with a few lifestyle choices and a healthy diet.

Read Also: Start Your Diet With Proper Calorie Counting – Here’s How

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.