What Is A Growth Mindset And How To Achieve It

How a growth mindset can work wonders for your career


Like the glass half empty and half full phenomenon, it matters whether you nurture a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.

So, what is a growth mindset?

In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have had these qualities.

In Carol Dweck’s book: ‘Mindset – Changing the way you think to fulfill your potential’, she explains the differences between the lives of those with a fixed mindset and growth mindset.

One’s mindset stems from our own set of powerful beliefs. Thankfully, beliefs can be changed when they no longer serve us or enable us to achieve our goals.

How does one adopt a growth mindset?


It starts with the basic yet difficult task of building a self-awareness. You need to be aware of your present thought patterns to be able to change them. You need to do a thorough analysis of your strengths and weakness to be able to use your strengths as an asset.
After spending some time in the mountains of Himalayas, Steve Jobs knew his philosophy and applied the same to Apple. He discovered the power of science, and developed the steel that made him survive the ouster from his own company.


You need to start seeing failure in a new light. Colonel Sanders saw many quits and failures before he made a success of KFC. It is important to see failure as an opportunity to grow.


You need to be inspired to take leaps of faith and follow your instincts towards success. Developing a growth mindset is based on your willingness and commitment to change your most powerful beliefs to wake up to become a new, better version of yourself.
With these strategies, you can adopt a mindset geared towards growth, which is a guarantee to success at work.