Here Are Few Amazing Work-Desk Tips

When you're free from clutter, you're free to create.

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A clean desk at work should be a priority. Needless to say, it isn’t a sign of undiscovered genius if that’s what you think. A tidy work surrounding keeps you motivated and keeps the work-zone easy to work with. You’re free from distractions sitting on a well-organized table and ready to give birth to your next big idea instead of rifling through the second drawer for the next hour to find your long lost stapler. Sounds good and doable, right? We’re no Marie Kondo but let’s get you started:

Easy-Access For Your Dominant Hand

Know your strengths and save your time.

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If you use your right hand to reach out more often, then it makes sense to place things you use frequently on your right side. Place your office supplies on your right side drawers as well. It doesn’t make sense to reach across your body to pick up the phone every 10 minutes. Not only does it save time, it keeps you oriented and efficient.

Keep The Devices In Its Respective Places

Respect your device and keep it nicely in its rightful place.

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Unless you have plenty of your time on your hand everyday to untangle the wires of each of your devices before you can use them, try keeping them organized too. The earphones go in a small box. The charger goes in a drawer or your bag. The computer stays in front of you and at least 1.5 feet away. The cords of all your million tech products need to stay at bay for you to function hassle free!

Out Of Need, Out Of Sight

Think of it like this- for a thing to be kept on your desk, it must earn its place.

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You need a pen. There is no need to keep hundreds on the desk. Organize a pen stand for yourself. If you use a stapler frequently, you can keep that on your desk. The documents you don’t need right away, file them away carefully in a separate storage area. Unless you’re an artist, all your office supplies can find their home in one well organized drawer. Keep that precious drawer clean like you’re being hawk-watched for it, and you’ll thank us later. The things you don’t use regularly can’t find a place on your desk.

Clean Your Work Surface

Clean desk will help you get really neat scores in your monthly productivity report!

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Keep the work surface clean – squeaky clean. You don’t have to be all Monica about it but cleaning it regularly is the least you can do for the space you spend a major time of your day in. A clean work environment trickles down to your productivity and work ethics. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Don’t Go Crazy With The Post-Its

This one is a challenge. With so many little and colorful sticky notes and post-its, it is difficult to not label everything “important” and stick it to your desktop. But that’s just poor organization strategy! Also, ineffective! Use your post-its wisely. Color code them so you know what category will each fall into, for instance – perfect work (green)/needs to be worked on (orange) /trash (red). Write precise notes on each little sticky note so as to convey a clear message.

There you go! Your desk is ready for a productive and positive day. DAYS in fact!