7 Ways To Make The Cornflakes More Interesting

Till now cornflakes was your morning breakfast. Now discover more ways to enjoy it!


Did you know how versatile your bowl cornflake, could get? I was unaware of the many ways in which cornflakes can be used to make different dishes. Over the weekend, when my friend came over for a get-together she made a scrumptious delicacy using cornflakes. It is then that I realized how this seemingly simplistic and boring bowl of cornflakes can be transformed into something interesting. Here are some ways you can use the cornflakes to come up with something new and delicious!

Cornflake Muffins

Cornflake Muffins

Image Credit: https://wearychef.com

Cornflake Muffins is an easy to prepare tender side dish that can be coupled with a hot bowl of soup or a plate of Caesar salad.

Cornflake Almond Crunch

Cornflake Almond Crunch

Image Credit: http://www.blueapocalypse.com

Cornflake Almond Crunch a healthy dessert treat for epicureans that has an added crunch of rich nuts like almond and sweetness of sugar.

Cornflake Peanut Butter Cookies

Cornflake Peanut Butter Cookies

Image Credit: https://www.spendwithpennies.co

Cornflake Peanut Butter Cookies is a perfect blend of baked recipe that gives you right crunch and health benefits.

Cornflake-Crusted French Toast

Cornflake-Crusted French Toast

Image Credit: http://www.foodnetwork.com

Cornflake-Crusted French Toast is a crunchy delight of perfect sweetness. Don’t think it will be an oddly textured recipe because it bakes beautifully.

Healthy Chivda

Healthy Chivda

Image Credit: hungryforever.com

Chivda is a perfect evening snack that has made in minimal oil and something you could munch on for hours slowly, yet voraciously.

Cornflakes Ke Laddu

Cornflakes Ke Laddu

Image Credit: food.thecookbk.com

You can actually make our desi laddu with same sweet taste. It will be hard for you to resist the sinfully indulging taste of a Cornflakes’ laddu which can be made in less than 20 minutes.

Cornflakes Fried Ice-Cream

Cornflakes Fried Ice-Cream

Image Credit: thecomfortofcooking.com

Cornflakes Fried Ice-Cream is something unimaginable to me but it’s a rehash of a famous Mexican dessert crunchy on the outside and creamy inside giving taste. It is again a quick make dish that can be whipped in no time and the compliments you get will surely surprise you.

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