A Spoonful Of Table Etiquettes – Where Sizes, Positions, And Shapes Matter

Are you spoon-feeding yourself right?

A Spoonful Of Table Etiquettes - Where Sizes, Positions, And Shapes Matter
Image Credit: castrophotos.com

While Indians have for the longest been strongly detested for their unhygienic eating habits, the west has devised more and more sophisticated forms of cutlery, often whose uses determine your social rank. Indians, as much as we may judge a person eating idli with a fork, have resorted to Western table manners for the sake of sophistication as well phir bhi dil hain Hindustani. While we slurp on our soups with shiny spoons we use our hands to tear rotis and Tangri kebab. Old habits die hard right? Even then, it’s important to know the kind of cutlery we use. So, if you are prepping up to attend that date night or a high-profile invitation at a fine dining restaurant, this list of the right kinds of cutlery to use as a part of table etiquette may come in handy.

Tablespoon – To Serve, Eat And More

Somewhat larger than a teaspoon it is a basic part of any dinner or lunch set up. They are mostly meant for serving food, but if you love large bites, you can use this largest spoon on the table for eating too!

The Salad Fork – Gets The Frist Chance

The salad fork is mostly placed farther left from your plate
The salad fork is mostly placed farther left from your plate

Image Credit: stacyrody.com

So, what to use after you are served with the food? The salad fork is what you should start with. This would generally be kept on your left side, just beside dinner fork. Yes, the smaller fork meant for salads is the first you must pick-up to have your salads!

The Appetizer/Salad Knife – To Cut Them Bite-sized

Is that Lettuce too big to fit into your mouth? Pick-up the smaller salad knife placed on your right to customize the size of your bite and munch on.

Soup Spoon – For A Mouthful of Goodness

Spoons used for soups are generally roundish and deeper
Spoons used for soups are generally roundish and deeper

Image Credit: what-buddha-said.net

If you are not a salad person and would rather opt for soup like me, pick-up the deep bottomed roundish soup spoon, which is very different from all the others. Don’t mean to body shame but they really are the biggest ones in terms of capacity. Thank the gods of spoons for this one!

Spoon For The Main Course

The spoon, fork, and knife that are placed closest to your plate are meant for eating your main course. The general order is the fork to your immediate left, the knife to your immediate right and the spoon just next to the knife.

The Oyster Fork – To Scoop ’Em Out

Oyster forks are rounded on the outer edges unlike normal forks
Oyster forks are rounded on the outer edges unlike normal forks

Image Credit: pearlspotting.files.wordpress.com

Did you know what that disc-shaped queer fork is used for? Of course, you would, if you love oysters. Yes, these are forks meant to scoop all that tasty meat out of that oyster shell.

Dessert Spoon – The Sweetest Of All

There is a different kind of spoon to eat your desserts because desserts are special. If spoons were siblings dessert spoons would be the younger sibling of a tablespoon and the older sibling of the teaspoon. They are mostly kept diagonally on top of your plate.

Now you know why size, position and shape matters, don’t you? You are, however, still free to dig in a tub of biryani with your bare clawed hands. Licking the masala off your hand is your revolutionary right and we won’t take that away from you. But if you don’t want people to judge you, better get that spooning right!