Are All Healthy Foods Boring?

Well if you think that all healthy foods are boring then you need to look at this list


We all like the idea of eating healthy, but the idea evokes an image of boring foods. We imagine these foods to not just boring in taste but also sight. And because we think healthy food is “boring” and “tasteless” we keep the idea of eating healthy food locked and unleashed.

So here we are today to cut all these misconceived notions and give a list of foods that are healthy, not at all boring and delicious in taste.


As delicious as it seems to appear

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It is a delicious treat that is filled with fiber and nutrients. The best part is that oats now come in so many flavors that you will find it difficult to make a choice. Bring the magic of breakfast with convenient oats recipes!


Quinoa can be used in soups, salads and bread

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Caption – Quinoa can be used in soups, salads and bread

Quinoa is tagged as a golden child and one of the most versatility grains. The good thing is that is a complete protein that can be used in soups, salads, and bread. It can easily replace the traditional rice-based dishes.


Your favorite snack just got healthier

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Just skip the butter and salt on popcorn with more healthy seasoning. You get the best night snack on a movie night. Popcorn can be transformed into healthy snack with seasonings like cinnamon and cocoa powder, fresh herbs, parmesan cheese, BBQ and ranch seasonings

Cottage Cheese

Add the creamy delight to your food

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This calcium-rich product can be used in many fun ways and incorporated in many healthy recipes. Pair fresh cottage cheese with fresh fruit, you can also add it to pasta to increase creaminess, or you can add it to smoothies to increase the protein content.


Not just the lean protein but also omega-3 fatty acids

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Fish is an excellent source of lean protein and is rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Fish comes in wide diversity – from tuna, trout, to catfish and many more. You just need to explore a bit.

Chia Seeds

Gelatinous taste and crunchy raw flavor

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It is popular for the omega-3 fatty acid content and the unique twist it provides to the food texture. When Chia seeds are complimented with liquid, they give a very gelatinous taste along with crunch in their raw form.


Delicious, succulent and of course very healthy

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Yes, fruits have sugar, but it’s natural sugar. They are also such a mine of nutrients and fiber. Fruits like blueberries, banana, apple, watermelon etc will be a naturally-sweetened bite for those who love succulent snacks.

Read Also: Can Gluten Free Foods Be Healthy Too?