Bored Of Regular Christmas Food? Use These Feast Ideas

Surprise your guests with these amazing feast ideas!

Image Credit: Pixabay

It is time for Christmas bells to ring! What have you planned to surprise your guests with? If you are still thinking, we’re sharing some cool ideas wit you.

Give Your Pita Bread A Difference

Christmas themed pita bread

Image Credit: Mums Grape Vine

If you are using pita bread to prepare pizzas and other loafs, create a theme for your feast and stack the bread with different colors and textures.

You can alternatively use pita bread for rolls! Make it colorful by stuffing cherries/beetroots, strawberries, green apple and what not. Just let it match with your Santa.

Let Your Guests Eat The Candle

The candle on feast to munch

Image Credit: Holidappy

Shocked? Yes, surprise them by giving a candle made of mozzarella cheese and mayo to eat. Surround the candle with vegetable salads including carrot, strawberry, mint and some grated cheese.

Add A Twist To Cookies

Cookies tempered with coconut and sugar

Image Credit: Pixabay

Christmas is known for cookies and cupcakes.

What can you do differently to surprise your guests? Do not serve plain cookies and cupcakes. Use nuts like almonds to decorate the cupcakes. Take a chocolate bar and grate it over cookies. If you have baked a cupcake, add a herbal theme to it. Take some wheatgrass and other edible herbals to garnish the cupcake and cookies. Let your guests keep guessing the ingredients.

Other Interesting Tips To Make Your Feast Special

Hot chocolate in different shapes

Image Credit: Pixabay

Get creative and make a chocolate/strawberry sauce and dip the cookies into it. Your guests will not stop munching! You can even add a flavor to your red wine instead of serving the usual wine.Just go all out and get innovative!

We are warning you that with all the creativity and innovations your guests might go on a binge and chances are you will run out of food!