Five Unique Coffee Flavored Food Every Coffee Lover Must Try

For the love of that caffeine aroma

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If your day starts with a boost of caffeine, you’ll be happy to know that today is the day of coffee-lovers – the International Coffee Day! Whether you like your coffee plain and simple or like to experiment with ice-cream and chocolate – you need to keep looking out for new coffee-flavored foods to spice up your mornings and teatimes! Packed with Riboflavin, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B2, potassium and manganese, try these five delicious coffee-flavored foods to satiate your caffeine addiction levels!

Travel Back To Your Childhood Days With Coffee Jelly

Try this unique jelly as a dessert after a hearty meal

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Move over fruit jellies, for it’s the time that coffee jelly takes the stage. Now more common in Japan, it is a blend of coffee (espresso works best due to its aroma), heavy cream or condensed milk, gelatin and sugar and is believed to be a lighter and healthier alternative to traditional coffee. Light and refreshing, it is a wonderful after-dinner dessert for you to enjoy.

Blend Health And Taste With Latte Yoghurt

Yogurt flavored with a hint of coffee can really make your day

Image Credit: Salad in a jar

Are you bored of plain yogurt, Greek yogurt and fruit yogurt on weekdays? Treat yourself to something coffee-ish and healthy by blending in cocoa powder, espresso coffee powder, yogurt, heavy cream and vanilla essence to a wonderful combination of yummy coffee-flavored yoghurt with all the health benefits.

Make Your Own Flavored Chips With Cappuccino Potato Chips

Yes, you can now munch on potato chips while you take in that cappuccino aroma

Image Credit: Brand Eating

Though America has its own Lays’ Cappuccino Potato Chips, why not try making your own? Though it has received mixed reviews on the Internet, these potato chips are all about a coating of coffee powder and cinnamon on chips, and a bitter aftertaste. Better try this at your own risk.

Go Totally Nuts With The Coffee-Flavored Vinegar

Add some balsamic vinegar to your sea-food dish and enjoy that coffee flavor

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Yes, coffee-flavored balsamic vinegar is a thing. Originally from Latin America, just blend in some balsamic vinegar with espresso coffee powder, maple syrup, and sparkling water. Though it sounds wacky, people from all over the world have enjoyed it and consider it to be tangy, refreshing and one of the best drinks in the world.

Try The Coffee Flavored Booze!

Get to a new high with coffee tequila shots

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This is definitely something that will interest you! Try adding some coffee to your favorite – vodka, tequila, rum, bourbon, whiskey, and brandy – and enjoy the rich and delectable taste coupled with heavy cream and cinnamon sugar.

No matter what the occasion, make coffee a part of your menu and impress your guests with these coffee-flavored recipes at your next party.