For The Love Of Mangoes

The nostalgia attached to mangoes


Mangoes. who doesn’t love mangoes??

If you being one of the people who in fact doesn’t love mangoes, then please stop reading this article, take a rocket and leave this planet cause there is no place in this world for ungrateful people like you

The rest, please continue:


A time when the schools shut and the sun hurts.

A time which is dominated by the king of all fruits – Mangoes

Now some might say that mango is just a fruit, but I disagree, It’s much more. It’s a treasure of memories and emotions

Every time during the month of April, as summer approaches there is a sense of nostalgia and excitement in the air and one of the main reasons for the excitement is due to the fact that, finally mango season has arrived.Today, every time I take a bite of mango, it takes me down memory lane

Starting with the excitement of when mom would get dozens of Alphonso mangoes.And every time you would promise yourself that you will have better control over yourself and Every time you would still end up finishing dozens of mangoes in a matter of days

Then you’d fall sick and the elders would scold you but you didn’t care coz even you knew that if you could do it all over again you would still do the same thing.

Cause no matter, the upset stomachs and heat boils, Mangoes made everything worth it. Then comes a time when you learn to cut a mango yourself, I mean, who has the time or patience to wait for mom right ??

In the Beginning, you make a mess …Your arms are sticky. Your clothes get stained, but it doesn’t matter because the mango put a smile on your face.

Those messy childhood days

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And just when you thought that mangoes couldn’t get any better – you come across the various mango dishes.From the milkshakes in the morning that made you excited to wake up, to the ice cream at night which made you sigh in bliss and content

When you would gladly agree to have milk

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And of course, … the main dish that tops all the other dishes – AAMRAS

Oh and not to forget the fights you’d end up having with your siblings over who gets more aamras and the sneaky finger dips and licks into the Aamras vessel every time you’d open the fridge

What heaven must taste like !!

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Is It A Desert

Is it a side dish?

Who knows?

Who cares?

Have it the way you’d like to cause its Delicious!!

In the end, I’d just like to say that mangoes are a gift to humanity and there is no such thing as too many mangoes no matter what the elders say.

Read Also: These Men Are Burning 500 Quintals Of Mango Wood To Curb Pollution!