Ice Cream Alternatives For Sensitive Teeth

Some of the best ice-cream alternatives for the sweet-tooth


For those afflicted with sensitive teeth, the delight of slurping upon ice cream is lost forever. Well, is it? No, that is not the case, tooth sensitivity is something we care about and we won’t let you shy away from this cool treat on a burning hot day.

We have for you a few ice cream alternatives that will cool you down on a hot day without letting your teeth freeze in pain.


Forget regular ice cream, gel yourself with gelatos

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Do you witness those big steel containers holding fancy vibrant ice cream looking treats? Do not mistake it for ice creams, those are gelatos which are churned at a much slower rate and are denser than ice cream. Gelato is served at a slightly warmer temperature than ice cream, so it won’t hurt your sensitive teeth as much. Besides, it is silkier, softer and tastier than your regular ice creams. Also, it is served with fewer calories than ice cream.

Matcha Banana Green Tea Ice Cream

It is a health bomb and amazingly delicious

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This is a quick and easy to make frozen delicacy. The ingredients used for making this ice-cream alternative include matcha green tea powder, bananas, vanilla and applesauce. It is basically a health bomb beside being a vegan option.

Healthy Peach Yogurt

You’ll go all peachy about this one

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Well, that’s just to make you feel cooler by using a summer fruit for yoghurt. You can always prepare yourself yoghurt with any fruit you like. Frozen peaches crushed as a paste in a food processor with some strawberry icing on it will serve you better and healthier than an ice cream. Your teeth will thank you!


Savour over watery fruits

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No yoghurt, no ice cream, no crushing needed. It can be easily prepared with mixing fruit and juice concentrate. Why watermelon? Well, because of its high water content. A sorbet recipe with such fruits is way better to savour upon. You can also have apple or pear sorbets. These fruits come with an added advantage of oral care benefits. So, try on.

Frozen Banana and Almond Butter Bites

Healthy and yummy frozen treat to make your day

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Next time you crave for an ice cream, treat yourself to these banana and almond butter bites. Frozen banana sliced into pieces stuffed with almond butter, dipped in melted chocolate offers a delightful frozen treat. It won’t hurt your teeth, once it rises a few degrees up in temperature.

Coconut Granita

Your summer dreams are made of coconut

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A can full of coconut milk in a jar frozen and scraped in intervals make up for a delightful ice cream alternative. This one’s my personal favourite- it needs no labor, just a glass of milk plus a sweetener, some grated coconut to top it up. It is easy and it is so dang good. Try it for yourself and thank me!

If you are addicted to the frozen delights, but can’t have the ice –cream then you can find solace in this alternative. Trust us; they are equally delicious and flavourful while also being healthy.

Read Also: Want To Eat This Ice Cream? You May Have To Sign A Disclaimer First!