Interesting Things To Do With Chickpeas

From chickpea burgers to chickpea truffles — there’s a lot more to chickpeas than just chholey

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If I were to tell you that amongst all the food that we consume on a regular basis, it is chickpeas that may be one of the oldest surviving food items, can you imagine the unlimited possibilities of these wonder peas? Being consumed for 7,500 years now, this power pea is packed with a host of nutritional value. It is also a very versatile ingredient to stock up in your pantry as there are about a gazillion things you can make with chickpeas.

Whether you like your chickpeas toasted, boiled, stewed or curried, there is s lot more to this little pint of wonder than just eating as chholey chaawal.

Here are some creative ways in which you can use chickpeas:

The Healthy Chickpea Burger

Enjoy your guilt-free chickpea burger

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There are days when you enjoy a nice healthy salad with a side of soup, and then there are days when you want to just crash in and chomp a greasy burger. If you end up eating comfort food almost every week, then here’s an easy- peasy (quite literally) idea. Swap your meat patty with a chickpea patty. Chickpeas boiled, mashed and slapped into a patty in a burger makes for a comfort dinner that will make you less guilty. Try it. It works!

Chickpea Soup

Recipe for a perfect comfort food

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Next time when you are in the mood to try some more filling soup that can easily substitute for your dinner, then here’s what you gotta do. Stir up a bowl of boiled chickpeas and pressure cook them with some veggies and water to get a soup-like consistency. Voila, the super soup is ready.

Chickpea Truffles

Indulge in your sweet tooth craving the right way

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Now what is it that’s not possible with a can of beans? Next time, kill your sweet appetite with this densely nutritious little treat. Roll mashed, boiled chickpeas into small balls and dip them in liquid chocolate. You could also give them an outer coating of coconut flakes. Add a drizzle of honey and it’s the goodness minus the sin in your mouth.

Chickpea Wasabi Hummus

Add a kick to your regular hummus with this recipe

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Okay, we get that chickpea hummus is as staple as chicken is to roast. But how about getting a new kick to your hummus by adding some wasabi peas? The bland taste of chickpeas is punctuated with the spike of wasabi and makes for an interesting dip that can elevate your average meal to gourmet quality.

Now that you know all about it, why not surprise your loved ones with an exclusive chickpea spread the next time, and see what flavours they can guess?

Read Also: Different Kinds Of Sandwiches