Move Over Boring Old Burgers, Here Are The New Burger Trends In Town!

Try out these latest burger trends

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A fresh and buttery bun with a piping hot patty, and some melting cheese over the top, a burger has been a favourite since time immemorial! We all love burgers. Be it a simple potato burger, or even a grilled chicken burger, or the lovely paneer burger, we all have our own favourites. But move over the boring old burgers, the new burger trends are in town, and they make our mouths water!

Bun Variations: There’s A Whole Lot To Choose From!

Ready to add a charcoal bun?

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Our usual maida bun is not the only one now. There are so many varieties of buns. Whole wheat, multi grain, quinoa flour, oats, all these new grains are used for burgers. And the burger bun flavors! Well they are numerous too! Chia seeds,sriracha, charcoal, cheese, peanut butter, bacon, the flavours are numerous. Different burger chains are experimenting with these flavours, and these flavours are being loved all over the globe! Which one would you like to try?

The Quirky Cheese Variations

An unusual cheeseburger?

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We all love a usual melting slice of cheddar or mozzarella on our burger. For most of us, a burger is incomplete without some cheese. Now almost all varieties of cheese are being used in burgers. From Gruyere to smoked blue cheese to burrata, they are all delicious varieties of cheese. Brie is a variety of cheese which has shreds of cream-soaked mozzarella stuffed inside a sturdy mozzarella shell. Sounds absolutely yum, doesn’t it? These quirky cheese variations just add that extra oomph to your burger.

Burger As A Dessert!

A burger for all dessert lovers!

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Yes, you heard it right! Burgers are being introduced as new, delicious desserts. And they are being loved! Be it caramel buns, chocolate ice cream inside the burger, with some Gems as toppings, they all just sound mouth-watering. Donut burgers are also a fad. Who wouldn’t love some donuts served with some creamy ice cream as the stuffing? Absolutely yummy sugar-coated donuts with creamy ice cream make a deadly combination. Deep fried cookie burgers, ice cream stuffed burgers, popping candy patties, waffle burgers, all are unique and delicious in their own way.

So, which burger fad do you like the most? Try them and let us know.