Non-Vegetarian Soups To Keep You Warm This Winter

Feeling the chill yet? Here are some soups to help you keep warm

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It’s winter and it’s officially soup season! Soups are healthy anytime but soups during the cold winter months are a blessing. There’s nothing more comforting like coming home on a cold wintry evening to a steaming hot bowl of soup!

Here are some soups you could try, soups that will warm your soul

Miso Soup

Miso Soup

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The Miso Soup which is a traditional Japanese soup is a mix of fermented soybean paste, wakame, spring onions, tofu and seasonal vegetables. If you like sushi this is a perfect way to start your sushi meal.

Tom Yum Soup

Tom Yum Soup

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For those who love the flavor of lemongrass and tangy soups, the Thai Tom Yum soup is a must try. It’s also a great appetizer with chunks of either prawns, crab meat or cubed chicken along with finely chopped veggies.

Lung Fung Soup

Lung Fung Soup

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Another one of my favorite soups with a hint of lemon and rich with seafood, the Lung Fung Soup is also known as the Dragon Phoenix Soup. Vegetables, chili peppers, and mushrooms can also be added to the soup.

Traditional French Onion Soup

Traditional French Onion Soup

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Blended in French onion syrup, the Traditional French Onion soup is made with bread crumbs, chunks of chicken and shredded cheese. It’s a gastronomical delight especially if you like cheese ( Who doesn’t?).

Shangsi Duck Meat Soup

Shangsi Duck Meat Soup

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The Shangsi Duck Meat is a broth filled with slices of duck meat especially the breast meat. It’s supposed to be healthy and it’s a delicacy that must be tried.

Mushroom Chicken Soup

Mushroom Chicken Soup

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If you like the creamy soups then the Mushroom Chicken soup is a perfect choice! It’s a thick broth made by blending mushroom and has pieces of shredded chicken in it.

Chicken Roasted Pepper Soup

Chicken Roasted Pepper Soup

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Spiced with pepper, the Chicken Roasted Pepper Soup is perfect for those who love a little spice in their soups. It’s a blend of chicken bits with roasted bell pepper and Italian herbs.

These soups can be had at restaurants or easily made at home. Go try them!

Read Also: Here’s Why Mizo Cuisine Should Be Included In Every Non-Vegetarian’s Food Wish List