There’s A Difference Between Being Vegan And Being Vegetarian

Don’t know the difference? Find out right here


Going vegetarian or vegan is a personal decision. There has always been a thin line differentiating a vegetarian from vegan. For many people, the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is blurring. Let’s try decoding this.


We might not like being tagged, but being labelled as a vegetarian or a vegan helps people know your food preferences.
A vegetarian is someone who doesn’t eat meat. Basically, vegetarians don’t eat animal flesh of pigs, chickens, cows, sea animals, fish, shellfish or any other animal for that matter. A vegetarian diet is often called a meatless or meat-free diet.
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More precisely, if you don’t eat meat for health reasons, you are going to be referred to as a nutritional vegetarian. In addition, people who avoid meat because they respect environment or the animals are called “ethical vegetarians.” And those who don’t eat dairy and egg based products at all are termed as “lacto-ovo vegetarian”.
So anyone who doesn’t eat animal flesh is considered vegetarian which includes vegans, lacto-vegetarians, ovo-vegetarians, and lacto-ovo vegetarians. Did you know there are other terms that define a person for his eating habits like:-

Pesco-vegetarian – is someone who eats fish

Pollo-vegetarian – is someone who eats chicken

Flexitarian – is someone who switches in-between being a vegetarian and eat meat at other times

So WHAT’s A VEGAN then?

Vegans are sometimes considered to be too radical, but their goal is to bring negligible hurt to animals. For ethical vegans, it’s not even a thing – its way of life. Vegans happily don’t eat animal products, including meat, fish, fowl, eggs, dairy, honey or gelatin.
Vegans usually eat grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, pulses, nuts etc. So in reality what do vegans eat? Well a look through food selections of a vegan reveals they have lots of delicious recipes to choose from. The list might even convince you to be a vegan.

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To affirm the notion of veganism being delectable, here are some scrumptious Indian vegan food ideas:-
Gluten-free masala dosa – a great, quick alternative for a healthy breakfast or meal

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Pot mushroom potato korma – a perfect to scoop that goes well with naan, roti, or ladle of warm rice.

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Slow cooker butternut squash dal, no oil – has most appetizing fragrance

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Jeera aloo, stir-fried potatoes with cumin – an utterly simple, six-ingredient dish that’s ready in 20-minutes.

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Eggplant in peanut curry sauce – it has lot of species, tanginess with hints of sweet and salty.

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