Why Are Cheesecakes So Popular Around The World

Romans offered cheesecakes as offerings to Gods after they conquered Greece

Image Credit: fastly.net

Nothing beats a cheesecake. It’s light, it’s soft, it’s smooth and it really doesn’t matter whether it’s baked or frozen because this rich and creamy dessert is impossible to resist!  Share a cosy Cheesecake evening along with your SO or just enjoy it alone. Cheesecakes can brighten up any dull day!

Delicious Ingredients For Irresistible Taste

The main ingredients going into the making of cheesecakes are cream cheese, cream (apart from the one already in cheese. The more the better.), eggs, and sugar. With these, you would need a base of your choice. Crackers, Oreos, Walnuts to oats, everything makes for a perfect base to the light and fluffy piece of confectionery. Cheesecakes keep it real, casual, and simple with their plain or no toppings. Some cheesecakes also are served in a cup or glass without any crust – pure cheesecake! The creamy and yummy taste of cheesecakes pulls millions towards it amidst a lot many others from among the menu.

Easy-To-Make Recipes With Different Flavours

Blueberry cheesecake without a crust

Image Credit: Instagram

These no-bake cakes require few ingredients and can be whipped up in minutes, and can be left in the fridge to be relished in a few hours. Many people who are not that great cooks or bakers, also don’t shy away from making a cheesecake once in a while. The different choices of flavours to add in a cheesecake is also what makes this so craved. This is one thing that even professional bakers love to make.

Popularity Around The World

You may have to think twice before you delve into that piece of art

Image Credit: Thrillist.com

Cheesecakes have always been popular around the world. The popularity of cheesecake around the world is even more evident with the hashtags #cheesecakes and relevant hashtags on Instagram and Twitter. These tasty delights are one of the most photogenic desserts of the world. Clicked from any angle, they look pretty on the plate like a piece of intricate painting. Today, cheesecakes are a multi-million-dollar industry.

Each country has a customised version of cheesecake of their own. Italians use ricotta cheese, greeks use feta or mizithra, Germans love cottage cheese in their cheesecakes. Japan uses corn-starch and egg whites to make the jiggly cheesecake. If you are a cheesecake lover and have not already tried, you can go for the speciality cheesecakes that are made using blue cheese, spicy chillies, tofu, and even seafood!