Why Do We Crave For Salty Food?

Are you a salt addict?


Think of fried, boiled, roasted or even baked food – would they ever taste the same without a pinch of salt on them? Hell, no! Well, it has been scientifically proven and we shall all agree to the fact that salt is addictive. However, on a more scientific note, you will be amazed to here this, that the craving for salt in a food you eat, actually arises from the same place in the brain as do the cravings for drugs!

Probable Reasons For Your Salt Cravings

Your Food Habits

The food you cook seems tasteless and bland if you don’t add salt to it

Image Credit: berkeleywellness.com

How? – You are influenced by your food habits, and that begins at home. Many parents at home add salt without even tasting the food, even if it’s just a pinch.

What to do? – Cook food without adding salt, then taste and add salt accordingly just before you serve. Replace salt with a dash of lemon to your dish, or freshly-chopped mint, parsley, thyme and scallion to add flavor and aroma. If you’re looking for some more flavor, add just a pinch of salt.


How? – Summers are here, and your body is continuously missing out on water, salts and nutrients as sodium helps us in staying hydrated. Dehydration causes your system to look for more electrolytes for hydrating your body cells to maintain the water level in your body. The matter gets even worse if you exercise regularly, consume a high-salt diet or consume alcohol.

What to do – Drink lots of water, and even more when you’re exercising or engaged in hard physical labor. Try drinking a glass of water for every glass of alcoholic drink, which further dehydrates your body. You will feel much sober and hydrated the next day!

You Need More Minerals

How? – Your body needs a perfect amount of trace minerals such as zinc, calcium, sodium and magnesium for neuro-chemical reactions to function, and to build hormones and blood. If you feel that you need to add more salt to your food, it’s a sign that you’re not getting enough nutrients.

Flax, chia and hemp seeds are extremely nutritious

Image Credit: citygirlbites.com

What to do – Start taking good-quality multivitamins, include mineral-rich vegetables to your diet such as pulse, kelp and nori, and consume seeds for extra nourishment.

Other than the above salt cravings can also be a result of abnormal blood pressure levels. Salt cravings, or any other food cravings can be symptoms of nutritional deficiencies, which could either be physical or emotional. It is therefore, advisable to add just as much salt as required for every dish you prepare.

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