Why Did Varun Dhawan Cry While Shooting October?

Like you and me and every other Indian kid, Varun too is often compared to other stars by his parents!


Varun Dhawan is a complete charmer, he walks towards us smiling that infectious smile for the interview. With disheveled hair and an untidy look, he’s completely in sync with his character, Dan from October. He’s one of the most grounded stars, minus any kind of airs, even though Varun has already seen so much success in such a short span of his career (Something that even the most seasoned actors haven’t seen yet!). The fact that he hasn’t let all the success get into his head makes him so likable and also why he has a humongous fan following!

In a candid conversation with Hotfridaytalks.com, Varun speaks passionately about his forthcoming film October and how the film has changed the way he sees the world today.


How has the whole experience of working with Shoojit Sircar been, knowing the fact that you have always wanted to work with him?

When I started the film, like all viewers I knew it was Shoojit Sircar the man who made Pink, Piku etc. but I didn’t know what to expect. I knew I was supposed to do something different but something so completely different was not what I was expecting him to make me do. From my energy to voice he toned everything down. He calmed me down, he changed my walk and all my walks have been re-shot. He would tell me to stop walking like Judwaa.Finally, I figured out a different walk. I stopped picking up weights for those 35 days.

For the first time, people cared about what I was feeling as an actor before that people didn’t care much. I would go shoot and get paid for it and that’s it. Shoojit dada and his team work like a family, they never made us feel like newcomers in their team or an actor. There is no repetition of anything that I may have done before in my films, the fact is Shoojit dada hasn’t even watched any of my films.

Varun had to completely unlearn all that he had learnt so far, for October

Image Credit: Movie – October

Tell us more about your experience while shooting October and how the film has affected you.

I have never been so vulnerable in front of a crew, so much so that after a while I stopped feeling like shooting. What I mean to say is, when you are normally shooting you know that it’s a film and you are shooting for it but when you forget that this is a film and think this is life, that’s when the floodgates open. There was a part where I start crying on set for almost 5 to 6 minutes and it was embarrassing. This film went beyond films where I started questioning life itself. I was questioning my choices as a human being, about day to day life, relationships etc. This film went beyond my career.

How much have you changed as a person post-October?

There are certain ideals in these years of my journey that I had lost, I kind of gained back through this film. This film has been like a spiritual rehab for me. I had to unlearn many things. Like sometimes we feel like its ok to take people for granted but it’s not ok. Having said that, even though this film did change me as a person, I don’t know if I want to change so much as a person.

This film was like getting a heartbreak and then mending the heart. A big part of the story was held from me. I was told about it just before shooting it and I was shocked by it, I was devastated, heartbroken when they told me about that scene. This whole film was about being unaware and surrendering, there was no compulsion to give my 200% to every scene, no over the top reactions.I was told not to act, dada would tell me to process the whole thing first and then say my dialogues, while he would be filming all of it! So you will see some blank stares from me in the film too. My insecurity of me boring people, being dull etc. he has got rid of all of it. I have shot without a bath, without washing my face and sometimes even without sleeping.

How has it been working with Banita Sandhu?

Banita and Shoojit da both said they haven’t seen my films I thought “Kai Ka star phir?” It wasn’t difficult breaking the ice with Banita. When we became friends she googled me and read about the work I have done. She knows very less about me, if she gets to know me she’ll probably get scared! ( Laughs)

Varun says working in October has been like a spiritual rehab

How close are you as a person to your character in the film?

I am not similar to my character in my film, maybe when I was 8 my heart was like that, but as we grow older we all get corrupted.Having said that, I started enjoying the chores that I had to do in the hotel, it was liberating as a human being. I have also mastered the art of coffee making!

Are you worried about the box office number now that the film is nearing release, also how much do the numbers matter to you?

I think the worst thing we did was putting out the numbers. What people need to know is that I am at least not getting that 100 crores! This whole trend has become a very unhealthy trend.I admit that I am also part of it, overmarketing films is something I started doing among the younger lot. But now I want to sell my films less and want to start a trend where I do an interview post films, that I think becomes more interesting.

How about doing a film for your father, David Dhawan? Do you think he will make a serious film with you now?

He’s been talking a lot about making a serious film but not with me! My dad wants to make a film with Rajkummar Rao, he’s his favorite actor.

Varun Dhawan is often compared to Govinda, Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt

Image Credit: instagram.com

So do your parents compare you to your peers, for example, people like Rajkummar Rao, about their choice of films etc.?

For me, unfortunately, it’s not my peers but my father keeps comparing me with the actors who have worked for him. He says things like “If Govinda, Sanju or Salman would have done this scene he would have done it this way.” Both my parents do that all the time if I don’t eat then my mom starts saying things like; “Even Salman eats so much rice! Why don’t you eat?” (Laughs!)

What’s that one thing you have taken home from October?

One thing I have taken away from October is that I have stopped thinking too much. I have realised that we don’t enjoy our present because we think so much about the future. I feel we all need to enjoy what we do, enjoy our now and worry less about numbers and other irrelevant things in our lives.

Well said! Here’s wishing the talented Varun Dhawan; All the Best!

Read Also: Varun Dhawan Tells Us The Secret Behind Bagging The Role As Dan For October