Why Is The Hot Cross Bun Eaten During Easter?

One a penny two a penny Hot Cross Buns!


When we think or talk about Easter, the Easter Eggs are the first thing that comes to our mind but there are many other things that are cooked during Easter. Easter food is as colorful and diverse as the different cultures that celebrate it. While every country has their traditional Easter dishes the Easter Egg and The Hot Cross Bun is usually made or eaten in every household all across the world.

I have some beautiful memories from my childhood of the Hot Cross Bun, my childhood friend, Bandana who is a Christian, would always invite me to her home during Easter and her mother would bake the best Hot Cross Buns I have ever tasted. I’d sit with her family and enjoy the Easter spread and the aroma of the freshly baked buns still linger in my memories even today. Even though the buns are had on Good Friday, Bandana’s mother would make a fresh batch of the delicious buns especially for us on Easter Sunday too!

I guess that also explains the joy and emotion I feel at the sight of the first Hot Cross Buns in the shops! The Hot Cross Buns are the most delicious foods on earth, but not many are aware of the significance of these buns, which is not surprising because the Easter Eggs and yellow chicks are overrated! The humble Hot Cross Bun has an interesting history and significance as well.

What Is the Hot Cross Made Of?

The Hot Cross Buns are traditionally had on Good Friday and it marks the end of Lent(A month-long fasting before Easter), but you can enjoy them anytime! There are several recipes for these buns but mostly everyone uses the spiced fruit recipe. Ingredients like flour, butter, milk, eggs, sugar, yeast and salt, mixed spice, cinnamon, lemon zest, raisins and chopped mixed fruit peel for the fruity edge are used to make these yummy treats. But the most important of all is the cross that is created on top of these buns. The cross is created by waiting until the buns are nearly cooked, then piping a cross on each with a flour mixture.This takes a little practice!

Sharing the Hot Cross Bun with a loved one guarantees a long-lasting friendship

Image Credit: recipetineats.com

What Does The Cross On The Bun Signify?

The cross on the bun signifies the crucifix Jesus was nailed to, and it is said to be a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made for his people, while the spices inside signify the spices used to embalm Jesus at his burial.

Myths And Stories About The Origins Of The Hot Cross Buns

The exact origin of the Hot Cross Buns is still unknown even though it is believed that it was introduced by a monk in the 12th century. The monk baked these buns for the poor on Easter but it became popular as an Easter staple.

There is a belief that the buns have to be baked on Good Friday as the buns baked on this day would ward off evil spirits in the coming year if they were hung from the rafters of a home. It is also believed that sharing the Hot Cross Bun with a loved one guarantees a long-lasting friendship.

Well, I surely would like to believe in the latter, as Bandana and I have been friends since we were in Kindergarten and even though she has moved to South Africa, we remain the best of friends even today!

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