10 Myths About AIDS You Thought Were True

On World AIDS Day, know everything about AIDS, to keep yourself and your loved one safe and healthy


There is so much information about AIDS everywhere these days that you almost always tend to believe everything you hear or read about. Sadly, a lot of the information that is passed around as true is not correct.
Here’s all you need to know about AIDS, to keep yourself and your loved one safe and healthy.

You can get AIDS by touching someone who is already infected – MYTH

NO, you cannot get AIDS by touching someone who has AIDS. The HIV virus cannot survive outside the body, which means that you cannot get infected if you shake hands or hug someone who has AIDS.

AIDS can be passed on if an infected person sneezes or coughs near you – MYTH

No, as the HIV virus cannot survive the moment it is out of the human body, you cannot get it from an infected person even if they end up coughing or sneezing near you. All you can probably get is some cold and cough, which you would get from any other person who coughs or sneezes near you.

AIDS can spread through an infected person’s sweat, urine or tears – MYTH

Again, it’s a NO, and that is because the moment these fluids are out of the human body, the HIV virus ceases to be active any more.

AIDS can spread through oral sex with an infected person –VERY SMALL CHANCE

AIDS generally does not spread through oral sex with a person who is already suffering from AIDS, unless there are open wounds around the genitalia, or one of the partner has bleeding gums.

The risk can be a little high if the woman who is getting oral sex already has AIDS and is also menstruating.

Getting a tattoo or piercing can give you AIDS – VERY SMALL RISK

While getting a tattoo or piercing will not give you AIDS, you may be at a small risk if the needle is not properly sterilized or has been used on someone who already has AIDS. These days, all reputed tattoo or piercing studios use fresh needles that are opened in front of the client and a document is also signed verifying the same between the artist and the client.

Kissing can spread AIDS – MYTH

While it sounds likely, kissing someone who has AIDS, even if you are kissing on the mouth, will not pass on the infection, because the HIV virus will cease to survive the moment it is exposed to air.

AIDS can spread when you use public toilets – MYTH

You cannot get infected with AIDS if you use a public toilet, share towels or cutlery or touch other surfaces that may have been touched by someone who already has AIDS.

HIV can be somewhat cured – MYTH

Even though we wish this was not a myth, the sad reality is that till date, there is NO CURE for AIDS. The only respite that medical intervention can give is that it can help an HIV infected person to handle the symptoms a little better and live a longer and better life as compared to not being able to manage the symptoms.

Only homosexual men (gays) get AIDS and pass it on – MYTH

While the original epidemic of the 1980s mainly affected gay men, AIDS is something that can happen to anyone. It is true that homosexual men may be at a higher risk of AIDS as compared to those who are straight, but this is not a disease that is dependent on someone’s sexual orientation.

Only those who have multiple sex partners need a condom or can get AIDS – MYTH

You can easily get AIDS even if you are sexually involved only with one person, so it is important to always wear a condom while having sex. In fact, it is possible that you or your partner picked up the infection earlier while in a different relationship, but did not realize the same, and now that you already have it and even are only with one person, you can still pass it on.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.