2 Home Remedies To Remove Holi Colours And Protect Your Skin And Hair

How to remove the nasty Holi stains and reduce damage


Holi’s over but you’re still sporting those colours on your face and skin. Your skin feels dry, itchy and irritated, and the same could also be true for your hair.

But instead of going for multiple shampoos or trying out too many chemical laden products to get the stains off yourself, try these home remedies that will gently get the colours out and also soothe and protect your skin.

Coconut oil mask for the hair

A coconut milk and coconut oil mask can clean hair and scalp thoroughly

Image Credit: liceclinicslexington

This is one of nature’s best and most useful remedy that can help you with almost any of your health and beauty needs. Mix about 5 tbsp. coconut milk with about three tbsp. coconut oil to get a thick consistency. Apply this all over your hair and also massage on your scalp, so that any residual colours and gunk will come off. Let it sit for at least an hour and wash your hair with a gentle clarifying shampoo. Use cool or warm water.

How it helps: Coconut oil can easily pull off pollutants and also add hydration to the scalp and skin. Coconut milk will act as a natural conditioner.

Lemon, honey and oatmeal mask for the skin

This mask is perfect to clean and soothe your skin

Image Credit: klankosova

Add two tbsp. of lemon juice with two tbsp. of honey and three tbsp. of oatmeal. Mix it all together and add some water to make it into a paste-like consistency. Clean your face with water, pat dry, and apply the mask while gently massaging in circular motions. Let it sit for about 45 minutes. Take a few drops of warm water on your finger tips and start massaging the mask in circular motions. This will help to remove the residual colours and any other dirt trapped in your pores. It will also boost blood circulation to give you clearer skin and reduce the chances of a breakout. Wash off with warm or cool water and pat dry. Apply your regular moisturizer to avoid any dryness.

How it helps: Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and helps to even out the skin tone and reduce any stains. Both honey and oatmeal can prevent dryness and irritation. Oatmeal is also a natural exfoliator and removes dirt, while honey will act as a humectant to seal in moisture.

Your kitchen can be the best place to look for effective ideas to get clear and healthy skin and hair. If however, you feel any discomfort after playing Holi, consult your dermatologist.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.