3 Shocking Facts About Granola Bars

Before you bite a granola bar, know these!

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The superfood that makes you healthy even when you skip a meal is assumed to be granola bars. Yes, it is only assumed so! Outdoor enthusiasts and busy office workers tend to call granola bars as the perfect replacement for breakfast or dinner. However, does that really work? Is it truly healthy?

For the first time, let me debunk the shocking facts of these so-called nutrient-rich bars.

Too Much Of Unhealthy Sugar

Too much sugar is equal to weight gain.

Image Credit: Nail Pro

If you look at the ingredients of a granola bar, you may notice a vast list that actually tempts you to grab more. The truth is, most of the bars contain corn syrup that is high in fructose. This links to rise in weight and cholesterol levels thereby resulting in type 2 diabetes at an early age.

High-Fat Content

Granola bars contain excessive amounts of fat!

Image Credit: Medical News Today

Granola bars state that the hydrogenated fats are eliminated. Yet, most of the granola bars with no trans fat contain up to 13g of net fat in just a 51g bar. Shocking, isn’t it? Nature Valley granola bars are extremely popular in foreign countries. A 23g bar is found to have 6g of fat and this is over the recommended daily caloric ratio and fat levels.

These high levels of fat lead to early obesity and are not good for your body.

Meal And Granola Bars Are Not The Same

Granola bar is an unhealthy alternative to a meal!

Image Credit: Reader’s Digest

If you think that a granola bar is the go-to superfood replacing the regular meal, then you are mistaken. In general, the regular breakfast in India includes proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals that are building blocks for the day and they boost your body with sufficient energy. On the other hand, granola bars do not contain these known nutrients in essential quantities. The ingredients used are usually processed and stored for long. This is not a healthy practice either.

Whether you love granola bars or not, it is always a good practice to opt for natural, traditional foods over the trending products as the former are proven to be healthier.

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