4 Asanas For Better Mental Health

Simple asanas can actually treat your mental health, did you know?

4 Asanas For Better Mental Health
Image Credit: Alpha Coders

From a heart problem to menstruation issues, yoga has a range of benefits. You might have known that yoga calms down your mind and gives you the necessary rejuvenation to carry on with your day. But, do you know the asanas that let you achieve better mental wellbeing? If no, here you go!

Shavasana – An End To Your Stress

Allow your body to rest; your mind feels relaxed too!
Allow your body to rest; your mind feels relaxed too!

Image Credit: YouTube

Shavasana typically means the pose of a dead body. Though it may sound weird, this asana relaxes the entire psychophysiological system. The slow and calm breaths tend to consciously relax the body and you feel at heaven while at Earth.

This is a must-try asana and perhaps, the easiest too! Doing this asana can soothe the brain cells and mind returns to the quiet state.

Uttanasana – The Therapeutic Posture

Can you believe that Uttanasana can treat insomnia?
Can you believe that Uttanasana can treat insomnia?

Image Credit: VYF Health

Standing and bending yourself forward define this asana. There are numerous benefits in practicing this posture. Firstly, it massages your organs as you bend down and stimulates digestion. Subsequently, your central nervous system feels relaxed and this asana fights against insomnia and headache. What is even interesting is the therapeutic nature of this yoga can even treat anxiety symptoms.

Tadasana – To Make Your Brain Feel Young

From increasing height to improving blood circulation, tadasana also guarantees improved concentration.
From increasing height to improving blood circulation, tadasana also guarantees improved concentration.

Image Credit: YouTube

Tadasana is also called a standing tree pose that corrects your posture and improves blood circulation. Doing this actually improves your memory power and lets you focus on things. Like the firm tree that stands erect amidst the natural conditions, your mind becomes stronger amidst peer pressures. Allowing a better blood circulation, your brain automatically receives the necessary blood levels to feel young and energetic.

Doing this asana is easy too!

Adhomukha Shavasana – Treats Depression

As much as you practice this asana, your mind gets energetic and never depressed again!
As much as you practice this asana, your mind gets energetic and never depressed again!

Image Credit: Yoga Classes

Are you the one who feels low physically and mentally? Do you think your depressed mood is affecting your productivity? This asana can help you out.

Commonly known as dog pose, the asana treats fatigue and depressed mood. It gives a relaxing effect on the person and also improves the blood circulation thereby pumping in the energy your body needs to work better.

Whether you have a chronic mental illness or just at the initial stage of anxiety, practicing these asanas can guarantee a healthy mind!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.