4 Tips To Treat Auditory Hallucinations

Is an anonymous voice haunting you? Apply these self-management techniques.

Image Credit: Motherhood: The Real Deal

Have you ever felt like hearing a voice from nowhere? When you actually turn to see who it is, you can find none but the voice continues to give you a haunting experience. In medical terms, this experience is called an auditory hallucination. This can be so distressing at times, as it may happen when you are alone or sleeping and the relapse can frighten you.

Is there a way to get rid of it completely? Well, you may have to cope with it first and then it automatically subsidizes and I’ll tell you how in the next section.

Talk It Out

Reach out to a friend you trust and share the experience!

Image Credit: Our Everyday Life

When you hear voices, talk to your close ones about the experience. Sometimes, being around a friendly face can control the effect. Not only do you vent out the problem, but you get distracted from your existing environment and the reassurance of the person can make you feel better.

Always try sharing it with someone you trust!

Change Your Focus

Change your focus and practice something that makes you feel like a kid!

Image Credit: Refinery29

The best way to zap the annoying voice from anonymous is to divert your focus. Whenever you hear the voice, divert yourself by listening to songs, exercising, reading or humming a song innumerable times. One of these diversion techniques can definitely work out and this way, your cognitive behavior also improves.

Move To A Different Environment

Begin traveling when the noises annoy you constantly!

Image Credit: MakeTimeToSeeTheWorld

People with poor interpersonal skills tend to experience auditory hallucinations widely. When you analyze the hallucinations that you are facing, you can see that they occur at specific times and at specific environments.

You can opt for a change of place. If you are someone who has been lonely for so long, make sure you visit a crowded place. The episodes of hallucinations will reduce. Additionally, the change of place can help you to forget the past and improve your present.

Mindfulness Is The Perfect Solution

Mindfulness can ensure the maturity of your mind and thoughts and eliminate these instances.

Image Credit: Tricycle

When your mind is weak, you become vulnerable to psychiatric problems. Practicing mindfulness is all about meditating and improving your thinking patterns. The voices that you hear don’t mean that you have a mental illness. It only means that you need to practice mindfulness so your mind strengthens.

Self-management is the first thing that you should do when you are prone to auditory hallucinations. If it doesn’t work, rush to a behavioral therapist.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.