5 Daily Habits That Let You Live Longer

Your usual habits can tell a lot about how long you will live.

Image Credit: Complete Wellbeing

It is possible to slow down the biological clock by following a few healthy habits daily. While genes play major roles, lifestyle and diet play equal roles and influence the life expectancy of a person. Living healthier as long as you live is certainly important. If you wish to increase your longevity in a healthy way, here are a few habits to follow.

Eat A Rainbow Of Fruits

As much as you eat colorful fruits in a week, you tend to accumulate all the necessary nutrients your body needs.

Image Credit: Food Revolution Network

People consuming assorted fruits of varied colors tend to have a better cardiovascular system. Perhaps, the colors of those fruits indicate the antioxidants and other nutrients present in them. The color of blueberries, for instance, originates from its antioxidant – anthocyanins that help in fighting against cancer.

Be A Social Animal

Travel more, speak out and enjoy and your mental health gets fit automatically!

Image Credit: Movie – Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani

Keeping things to yourself can ruin your mental health. The best longevity booster is to become a social animal that can build positive energy as well as your mental stability. As you engage and meet fellow humans, your immune system gets stronger as the blood flow improves and the stress episodes reduce over a period of time.

Don’t Compromise Your Sleep

Poor sleep pattern can fasten your biological clock.

Image Credit: Pinterest

The quality of life is highly dependent on the amount of sleep you get each day. Sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours increase the chances of death. Whether you work at night shifts or sleep late, remember that compromising sleep can lead to troublesome life. The best way is to go by the natural life cycle and ensure adequate sleep.

Conscientiousness Is The Key

Take a good habit, follow it and remember, no excuses!

Image Credit: Medium

The ability of a person to self-organize and stay disciplined reduces psychiatric disorders and the risk of joint problems. Perhaps, a disciplined life also lowers blood pressure and this can begin with a simple step like keeping your room clean and following cleanliness without excuses. Sticking to a plan can make yourself feel accomplished and also align you to more such healthy habits that prolong your life period.

Drink Green Tea For A Longer Life

The essential antioxidants present in green tea can slow down the aging process!

Image Credit: Medical News Today

What if we tell you that drinking a beverage can let you live longer? Surprisingly, it turns out to be true. People drinking green tea shed excess age-accelerating pounds and the antioxidant – epigallocatechin-3-gallate present in can keep you stay fit. Your fitness indirectly impacts your quality of life which eventually elongates your period of living.

Perhaps, traveling more and keeping yourself occupied are good for your physical and mental health. The only thing that you should take into consideration is to differentiate between the good and bad habits you incorporate in your daily life.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.