5 Health Benefits Of Red Wine You May Not Know About

Is good health just another excuse to drink red wine?


It is possible you’ve already met someone who told you it is good to have a glass of red wine a day. But is there really any truth in it, or is it just another excuse to drink?

Before we tell you more about this, please keep in mind that red wine may only have health benefits when you drink it in moderation, and not excessively. Also, if you suffer from or are prone to any health conditions, are on medication or are pregnant, you should first speak to your doctor to check if you can drink red wine.

5 health benefits of red wine you can cheer for!

(Image credits: home.bt.com)

1. May lower mortality: Some studies point out that drinking red wine in moderation (this is subjective to your personal health as well as your genetic and risk factors) can actually help to lower your mortality rate. These studies were conducted amongst those who drink red wine in moderation and those who did not consume it at all.

2. Good for the heart: Drinking red wine in moderation provides a safety cover to your heart and reduces your risk of coronary heart disease, or CHD. The reason behind this is that when you have moderate amounts of red wine, it increases the high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentration in your body, which is the ‘good’ cholesterol. This is in comparison to when you drink equal amount of beer, whisky or other alcoholic drinks, in which case your risk of coronary heart disease does not go down.

3. Rich in antioxidants: Red wine is made of grapes, which contain a high amount of antioxidants, such as catechin and resveratrol. These are especially good in maintaining your heart health. Also, the proanthocyanidins found in red wine reduce any oxidative damage, which can help to prevent cancer and blood clots, as well as act as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-allergic element.

(Image credits: allrecipes.com)

4. Good for women’s health: The resveratrol found in red wines, which is a type of anti-oxidant and a phytoestrogen, is especially good for the overall health of women. It helps to reduce the post-menopausal health issues in women, as well as protects against types of cancer that are associated with women’s health, such as endometrial, uterine and breast cancer.

5. May reduce blood pressure: Consuming dealcoholized red wine may actually also help to lower blood pressure levels. However, we strongly recommend that you check on the same with your doctor, as there are still few studies that claim so.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practise or suggestion from this site.