Acidity – The Ayurvedic And Yogic Perspective

Suffering from acidity? Know how to control the increased Pitta with Ayurveda & Yoga

Acidity - The Ayurvedic and Yogic Perspective

Considering the amount of spices and oil that an average Indian consumes, it is no surprise that most Indians suffer from the symptoms of acidity. So what are the symptoms of acidity? The most common symptoms include acid belching, indigestion, irregular appetite, burning sensation in chest and stomach, nausea, sour/pungent taste in mouth, headache etc. Some of the causes of acidity according to Ayurveda are incompatible food combinations, consumption of sour, salty, fried and pungent foods, staying awake past the ideal bedtime, irregular meal timings, over-eating and starving for long periods.

Remedies for Acidity

Since Yoga and Ayurveda’s perspective towards every disease is holistic, they offer a unique insight into eradicating the problem from its root. It is important to understand the causes and the pathogenesis of the disease before beginning with the treatment.

Here are some effective remedies to get rid of acidity

    • Some of the yoga poses that help regulate the secretion of acid in the stomach are Bhujangasana, Janu Shirsasana and Paschimottanasana.
Janushirsasana, revolved-head-to-knee pose stimulates liver thus controlling acid secretion
Janushirsasana, revolved-head-to-knee pose stimulates liver thus controlling acid secretion

Image Credit: yogalily

These asanas stimulate the digestive organs including liver thereby countering acidity and other gastric problems.

    • Sheetali and Sitakari Pranayam help in immediate relief from burning sensation in the stomach and chest. The act of inhaling through the mouth while rolling the tongue and exhaling through both nostrils is called Sheetali Pranayam.
Sheetali Pranayam, a cooling form of breathing exercise
Sheetali Pranayam, a cooling form of breathing exercise

Image Credit: banyanbotanicals

    • Tender coconut water helps in controlling the burning sensation in the stomach. However, it should be noted that drinking tender coconut water while having digestion issues will further burden the digestive system and worsen the problem. Hence, coconut water can be used as an effective remedy when the digestion is on the stronger side.
Drinking tender coconut water twice or thrice a week helps
Drinking tender coconut water twice or thrice a week helps

Image Credit: detechter

    • Eating raw pomegranates is highly effective in case of acidity and gastric problems. Pomegranates are one of the most nutritious fruits and have wide effectiveness in treating chronic health problems.
Raw pomegranates are effective in regulating acidity
Raw pomegranates are effective in regulating acidity

Image Credit: thespruce

  • Soak a teaspoon of cumin seeds and a teaspoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water overnight. Strain the solution in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach. This can be continued for a period of 15 days on a daily basis.

Apart from taking measures to treat the problem, it is equally important to avoid the exposure to the causes like eating fermented and canned foods, drinking tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages, consumption of curd at night and avoiding the excessive use of oils and spices in cooking. The practice of yoga and pranayam proves highly effective in getting rid of the problem from its root.

Read Also: Why Do People Suffer From Chronic Digestive Problems?

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.