Why Do People Suffer From Chronic Digestive Problems?

The Reasons behind chronic digestive problems

Why Do People Suffer From Chronic Digestive Problems?
Why Do People Suffer From Chronic Digestive Problems?

The digestive system is an extensive and all-encompassing system of organs in the body. Ranging from the mouth right down to your rectum, the digestive system and its smooth functioning plays a key role in determining your overall health. Owing to certain lifestyle changes and dietary habits, the digestive system often develops certain abnormalities which could lead to digestive disorders. Now, these disorders can be embarrassing at times; but more often than not, these could lead to more severe and chronic ailments if left untreated. Digestive problems like acidity are pretty common and most of us face it. But when should you see a doctor about it? And what are some of the other digestive problems that you could face?

Chronic constipation

The digestive system is mainly concerned with ridding the body of the waste accumulated in it. And that waste is excreted in the form of stool. However, if the colon or the digestive tract finds it difficult to move or pass the stool, then that could lead to constipation. Since your bowel movements are restricted, you might even experience some abdominal pain and also bloating. Chronic constipation is extremely common and in most cases, it can be managed naturally. Eating more fibrous foods and certain vegetables should regularize your bowel movements. In more serious cases, medications and over the counter laxatives should bring you some relief.

Food intolerance

This happens when the digestive system is unable to tolerate certain food items, even though you might not have faced problems with them before. This must not be confused with allergies; in the case of food intolerance, only the digestive system is affected. For instance, some people are lactose intolerant. For them, consuming milk and dairy products could lead to digestive issues. Some symptoms of food intolerance would be bloating, cramps, diarrhea, headache, irritability, gas, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.


This occurs when the digestive acids in your stomach rise up in the esophagus and cause heartburn. This is known as acid reflux or gastrointestinal reflux diseases. After consuming a heavy meal if you experience frequent heartburn, then you might be suffering from GERD. Some common symptoms would include chest discomfort, sore throat, dry cough, swallowing difficulties and other problems. You would also notice a sour taste prevailing in your mouth, owing to the acidity.


IBD or inflammatory bowel disease is a kind of swelling that can affect any part of your digestive tract. This is a chronic ailment which could further lead to other diseases like diarrhea. Irritable bowel movements, loss of appetite, fatigue, night sweats and rectal bleeding are some common symptoms of IBD.

These are some common chronic digestive problems. However, all of these can be controlled and kept in check by medication and certain lifestyle changes.

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