Athlete Special: Healthy Ways To Improve Performance

Get hold of real foods that can boost your performance than the snack bars and supplements

Image Credit: Glamour

Are you an athlete who is wanting to improve your performance or planning to become one? Did you know that there are healthy practices that can boost the athletic potential and you don’t need those artificial supplements? Let’s find out what you should follow in this article.

Beet Root – To Boost Your Energy

Beet root – the secret energy ingredient for athletes!

Image Credit: Video Blocks

We pretty much know that beet roots are great for blood circulation and immunity. However, it is also a special vegetable for athletes. The nitrates in it improve energy and reduce the time taken for complete exhaustion. The best part about it is, it reduces oxygen consumption.

Include beet root in the form of juice daily and you can see your energy getting better!

Plan Your Fluid Intake

Consuming nearly a liter per hour during exercise can enhance your performance levels

Image Credit: Healthline

There is often confusion in the exact fluid intake level for athletes. The problem faced by many athletes is either overhydration or dehydration. Remember that, the fluid intake required is 550-800ml/hr and during hot conditions, it can be close to 900ml.

You may have to focus on this range during exercise and this can fuel your body with essential minerals and sodium levels.

Full Fat Yogurt Prevents Fatigue

This good bacterium can improve immunity and minimize fatigue

Image Credit: Jooinn

If you are someone just entering this field, you may have to know that nausea and fatigue are common and you can control them with the right food. Full fat yogurt comprises of probiotics that replenish good bacteria regularly. As a result, the immune response gets better and chances of fatigue are lesser.

Make it a routine to add yogurt to your smoothies and you can feel your digestive system getting healthier too.

Say NO To Salt Tablets

If you think salt tablets can boost electrolytes, you are wrong

Image Credit: The Recovery Village

It is a common misconception that sweat is synonymous to a salt loss in your body. Remember that salt is just one of the many electrolytes present in your body to replenish during exercise. Calcium and magnesium are also a part of the list of electrolytes.

Perhaps, a bottled drink has now become a fancy thing that many athletes carry. Instead of following this trend, it is ideal to maintain your energy levels with suitable foods. The ideal salt level is 200-400mg NaCl/hr, according to Hammer Nutrition.

Spirulina – The Good Algae For Athletes

Spirulina keeps you fit and reduces carbs level consumed for energy

Image Credit: Truweight

Spirulina, belonging to the blue-green family of algae, is fondly used by athletes for its extraordinary power to control oxidative stress. Adding spirulina to the smoothies is a good idea to maximize its intake.

It is observed that spirulina can control the exhaustion time period and decrease carbs used for energy. Instead, it forces your body into the fat burning mode. You get fit plus your performance improves too!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.