Can You Lose Weight If You Make Yourself Vomit?

If you’ve tried to puke out what you ate to lose weight, watch out for this

Image Credit: guiadobebe

It happens sometimes – that you eat a really large portion of the meal and then, your stomach feels as if it can’t hold anymore. You feel uneasy, bloated and nauseous, and the next thing you know, you puke out the food, and instantly it makes you feel good.

Doing this sometimes may give you relief after an especially heavy meal.

But if you’re doing this as a way to trick your body into thinking that you didn’t really eat anything, so that you can actually lose some weight, are you sure you’re not doing yourself any harm and not hurting your health?

Are You Making Your Body Get Used To Throwing Up?

Your body starts adapting to the different types of changes that it goes through. For instance, when you start working out for the first time, it aches and hurts all over your body. But gradually, your body adapts to it, and you are able to work out without feeling the same amount of pain. Similarly, if you start puking out regularly, after every meal, your body will take this as something it needs to do after every meal. Over time, you may not even be able to complete a meal, and you may already start to feel pukish.

Risk Of Getting Overly Dehydrated

Regularly puking can damage your teeth enamel

Image Credit: verywellmind

Regularly puking out means you are also throwing away the essential body fluids and stomach acid as well as water that helps to keep you hydrated. As a result, there is an imbalance in the fluids present in your body. When this goes on for a regular period of time, you will start becoming dehydrated, and the effects may start to show up on your skin, as it starts to look dull, dry and patchy.

Higher Chances Of Acid Reflux

The acids in your stomach are extremely high on the acidic scale, and when you throw up after meals, this acid keeps coming up all the way to your mouth. Doing this over and over can mean that the acid starts to damage the enamel on your teeth and can also damage the tissue in your mouth. It could also cause stomach ulcer as well as problems in the intestine.

But Do You Really Lose Weight?

No. In fact, you may notice a very tiny amount of weight loss initially, but that is due to dehydration. Also, when you do this regularly, your body’s metabolism goes down, and it retains most of what you ate so that you are barely able to throw out any significant amount and regain the weight too.

If you’re having weight issues, it is best to speak to a nutritionist about it, rather than trying to puke out food and getting sick.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.