Celebrities Are Using These Ways To Reduce Stress, You Can Too

If you’ve been battling stress, you too could try some of these tips. And if you have your own way of dealing with stress, do share it here so that other readers can benefit too.


Internationally renowned DJ and musician Avicii recently succumbed to the pressures of stress.

Today’s hectic life does have a way of getting to us, and especially so for celebrities, who are always under public glare and have the pressure of being and looking perfect.

In this maddening rush, there are however a few tips that these celebs are trying, that apparently helps them to handle the stress and manage it better.

1. Ranveer Singh Finds Peace In The World Of Gaming

Ranveers favourite way to relax is to get lost in the world of gaming

Image Credit: Instagram

Ranveer Singh turns towards that favourite console that a lot of us are familiar with – the world of video games. He says that playing video games helps him to take his mind off issues that may be bothering him. Also, having a pep talk with his father and listening to inspirational quotes and speeches from his fitness trainer helps him de-stress.

2. For Shraddha Kapoor, Pet Saves The Day

Spending time with her pet is what keeps Shraddha Kapoor happy

Image Credit: instagram

Actress Shraddha Kapoor finds her happiness in her pet dog Shyloh, who she says can make her feel happy and positive at any time of the day, no matter what problems or stress she may be going through. Also, listening to music, reading and watching movies helps her relax.

3. An Early Morning Yoga Routine For Mister Prime Minister

An early morning yoga routine helps the PM stay better prepared for the day

Image Credit: twitter

Being in charge of a country is no easy job, and surely this job profile comes with a lot of stress, way more than we could imaging. So, instead of giving up easily or letting his mental and physical health suffer, our Prime Minister Mister Narendra Modi practices a steady routine of yoga and meditation early in the morning.

4. The Man Who Lost His Virginity Follows This Mantra

Understanding priorities and spending time with loved ones helps him de-stress

Image Credit: Spiegel

Richard Branson, who built the Virgin empire, has a very simple yet extremely effective mantra that he follows to reduce and manage his stress. According to him, the best way to beat stress and take care of your health and life is to take a minute and see what really needs your time and attention. If you feel something that is bothering you can be given up, let it go.

5. Amitabh Bachchan Remains The Classic At Heart

Music is what keeps Amitabh Bachchan stress free

Image Credit: twitter

There is nothing that can calm down the Big B Amitabh Bachchan than listening to classic and old melodies. He loves listening to traditional music as well as old and classic songs, as he feels these help him to de-stress.

If you’ve been battling stress, you too could try some of these tips. And if you have your own way of dealing with stress, do share it here so that other readers can benefit too.

Read Also: 7 Foods that Will Help You Fight Stress

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.