Chicken Breast VS. Chicken Thigh – What’s More Healthy?

The great chicken debate ends now


Who doesn’t love chicken? Be it a delicious sumptuous meal on a Sunday night or an evening snack, a chicken dish makes all of us feel hungry! We would be more than willing to have chicken for breakfast, lunch, dinner and maybe even for dessert, if served convincingly. But how should you consume your chicken? Should you just deep fry it? Should you roast it? Should you make some stew? And which portions of the chicken should you consume more and which parts should you avoid? Daily struggles and we understand your curiosity.

The recent debate over which part of a chicken is healthier- thighs or breasts has brought several new observations in the limelight. Now, people want to know what is healthier and a better dietary choice for them.

What is more nutritious?

Common notions and popular belief says that the soft succulent and white chicken breast is healthier than the thighs. Researches and surveys however reveal that the nutrient content in thighs and breasts is the same, with a very few albeit negligible differences and variations. That being said, there’s more to chicken than just choosing between things and breasts.

When it comes to protein we know that animal meat usually is packed with a lot of protein and so are chicken breasts and thighs. They contain very similar amount of protein and it makes no immense difference whether you consume the chicken thigh or breast.

If one is on a strict diet then one should definitely stay away from carbs. Chicken breasts and thighs contain no carbs. So now you know what to consume after a hard day’s work at the gym. But the carb content depends largely on how you decide to have your chicken. Both thighs and breasts have an average amount of saturated fats. They also tend to vary moderately in calorie content.

Sodium is another important nutrient. With the correct and precise amount, it can enhance fluid balance and muscle contractions. Breasts and thighs have similar sodium content.

When it comes to fat, chicken breasts contain a lower amount than thighs. Although all the nutrients are deemed important, going a little overboard especially with saturated fats can prove to be harmful for your health. By removing the skin from the thighs and breasts you can cut down the fat level considerably and make it fit for a healthy meal, though.

Cholesterol can be catastrophic if not controlled when the time is still right. Intake of massive amounts of saturated fat enhances the risk of heart diseases and plaque buildup.

What do the nutrient expert says?

Academy spokesperson Toby Smithson says, “a three ounce portion of chicken breast without the skin contains 142 calories, 3 grams of fat and .9 grams of saturated fat.” She further adds, “portion size definitely matters when we are talking about meat and the total amount of fat, saturated fat and calories consumed.” She also suggests to clean the meat before consumption to prevent being prone to food borne illnesses.

Grab a bucket of fried chicken and watch that match/movie. If you have a weak heart, go have some chicken broth. Either ways, Chicken is great for your health.

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