CICO Diet – What You Must Know Before Trying

The Calories In Calories Out (CICO) Diet Mantra


If you’re pretty active on the internet, you’ll notice how new methods of weight loss crop up in your feed every day. Every day, there’s some new diet that could magically help you lose weight.

The CICO Diet Trend

Recently, a similar weight loss technique is a diet, named CICO, that made its debut on Reddit. So, basically, CICO stands for “Calories in, Calories out”. The formula is pretty simple, and definitely something you’ve heard a million times before. Basically you get to eat as much as you want and whatever you want as long as you burn more calories than you take in during the course of a day. Even Bollywood glam divas like Priyanka Chopra and Shilpa Shetty believe in this weight loss and fitness regime. And we all know anyone who says she does not envy their physique, is lying!

Dietician Liza DeFazio claims, “I’ve seen a lot worse diets out there, and this surprisingly does make scientific sense,” she said. “You can experiment with yourself, eat your regular diet, calculate the calories, and then just cut 500 calories a day. That’s pretty much the key to weight loss.”

More about the CICO diet

One Meal a Day

This kind of a diet suggests that you could consume a whole lot of junk food for one meal and starve yourself for the rest of the day. During the course of the day, you would have to burn all the calories you consumed as well. Now this sounds pretty appealing to most, since no one really likes working out. Also, this is the first diet of its kind where you don’t have to give up on your favorite dishes either. All you have to do is take in calories during only one meal, and you’re done for the day.


Disputes with the CICO Diet

There has been, however, a lot of debate as to how far this diet actually works. For one, it isn’t really practical. Secondly, weight loss cannot be generalized and universalized. In each case, there has to be a weight loss model that is specific to that person’s needs and requirements. You must remember that each individual is different and their needs vary. What works for you and helps you lose weight might not work for someone else. What’s worse is that it might adversely affect another person.

Keeping a Calorie Check is Difficult

Well, it is easy to imagine a diet where you can eat something like a cake and still lose weight. However, it can be rather difficult to keep a tab on your calories in real life. A diet like this sounds good on paper, but isn’t really going to work, according to some nutrition and diet experts. If you’re a foodie by nature, it can be easy to overstep the mark and consume more calories than you are supposed to.

So, if you are a fitness fanatic, yet would love to gorge on your favorite dishes once in a while, the CICO diet would work just perfectly for you. However, in this case, even if you lose weight, you aren’t doing it the healthy way. That means, this takes a massive toll on your bodily functions and you might even fall sick, because you might suffer from unhealthy weight loss or might consume more calories at one time. So, before you consider the CICO diet for weight loss, consult a dietician and make sure about your limits and lifestyle. Happy Calorie Counting!

Read Also: Start Your Diet With Proper Calorie Counting – Here’s How