The ABCs Of Pilate Exercise

Pilate exercise can actually let your entire body workout and improve resistance.

Image Credit: Greatist

A lot of youngsters have begun practicing pilate exercise lately. Did you know the reason? It stabilizes your pelvic system, aligns body, enhances the muscle movements and improves the skeletal system with easy breathing and there is much more to this pilate concept that you should know.

Why Do You Need Pilates?

Pilates improves your posture, muscles and, focus.

Image Credit: Train For Her

It is no fancy exercise technique to improve your muscles or strengthen your body. It is for all! Pilates offers a total body workout and ensures proper mechanics of your body to complete the daily activities. You need pilates as the strong movements can improve your muscles and reduce injury risks. Most importantly, posture correction is the need of the hour for millennials and it is possible with pilates.

What Should You Possess?

Never practice Pilates exercise without a mat.

Image Credit: Dailymotion

There are just two things you should possess to practice pilates – focus, and mat. The best part about pilates exercise is you can do it anywhere as long as there is a space for the mat. Make sure you never miss out the mat when you practice this exercise.

The Key Position Of Pilate

The neutral position of pilates is the healthiest of all!

Image Credit: Verywell Fit

Every pilate instructor focuses on a neutral position. The purpose of this position is to enable one’s body to align with itself. This again deals with the posture of a person. When you are in a neutral position, you tend to improve your spine health and also get rid of back pains. Simple stretches let you to self align your body and maintain flexibility.

This neutral position actually synchronizes the muscles and lets you focus on your breathing. Instead of consuming tablets for blood flow and concentration, you can simply choose pilate exercise. The alignment improves the energy flows within the body and establishes a connection between the mind and the body.

Pilates Is Not The Same Everywhere

The properties change but the purpose is the same!

Image Credit: Teek Talks

Typically, the pilate exercises are customized based on the purpose. For newbies, the exercise begins with mat and other basic properties like ball, ring and resistance bands. However, based on your need, you are also encouraged to use spring-loaded machines like the barrel, reformer, and Cadillac.

The only mistake to avoid in pilates is ‘never practice by watching videos online.’ They can do more bad than good! Learn it from a certified instructor!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.