Is Dancing The Same As Doing A Cardio Workout?

Are they different?

Is Dancing The Same As Doing A Cardio Workout?

If your busy schedule makes it difficult to get into rigorous exercise, you can still get the desired results by choosing a dance form you love!

Of course there are many benefits of exercising and it is good for your overall health. But if starting or continuing with a rigorous exercise routine is something you are not able to enjoy for long, dancing could be an easier way to stay fit.

Aren’t they different?

Yes, dance and cardio workout are essentially different. But the good part is, any activity that makes your heart beat faster, makes you breathe faster and involves using your muscles is considered a cardio activity.

As you dance, your body burns calories, and when the dance routine is strenuous and faster, you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. This also helps to make your heart stronger and improve balance, as well as helps to tone your muscles and burn fat.

(Image credits: compramodanacional)

Try these to get the best out of your dance workout!

Even though all forms of dance will make your heart beat faster and add some form of cardio exercise to your routine, the easiest way to understand if it is actually working for you is to notice if you are sweating.

(Image credits: wordpress)

If your dance routine makes you sweat and breathe faster and harder, it is definitely working for you. However, try to follow a pace that makes you sweat but still lets you be comfortable. If you run out of breath or breathe so fast that you are unable to speak, you will not be able to continue the dance routine for long, and this means you lose out on your exercise.

(Image credits: media)

How many calories will I burn with dance?

The calories that you burn while dancing will depend on various individual factors, and it cannot be the same for everyone. Your age, the intensity at which you are dancing, the amount of time you are dancing for, your height and weight will decide how much calories you are able to burn with dancing.

In most cases, if you dance rigorously for half an hour, you should burn about 125 to 250 calories.

Disclaimer: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practise or suggestion from this site.